Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yesterday~and Today

That's my Little Doodle. Yesterday I went up to mom's and my sister came up, so I got to see him. He's SOOO cute!
He was fussing about wanting to go outside, so I carried him out onto the porch and showed him the cat. She said "Meow" to us, and I asked him, "Did you hear Bunny talk to us? She said, "meow." He said" Me.........owwwwww". It was SO cute. Then mom came out and got him, and she was holding him, standing beside me, and his big sister (5) in front of them. I said, "Tell Gramma what the kitty says." And he said, "Me...." and hit his sister and she said" ow!" We all cracked up. It was so funny. He was so proud of himself he chased both his sisters around the porch saying "Me.." and hitting them. They escaped and my girls came out and he picked up a toy broom and chased them to get them to say it. It was just so hilarious. We really shouldn't have laughed...he'll think it's a great idea to hit his sisters now...but it was just too funny not to. We were all so surprised when he first did it...he's a little stinker. ; ) My sister said he chased his sister all over the house last night trying to hit her.
Today, I cleaned in the girl's room, re-arranged, put up wallpaper on one wall, and re-shelved about 1,000,000 books (give or take a few). I took out two small bookshelves and put in one big one. It takes up a lot less room, and all the books still fit. Well, all the books we already had....I bought 18 discards at the library yesterday. We'll find a place for them, though. There's always room for a few more. ; ) We actually went through and picked out several to get rid of! Nearly a box full...yea! I told the girls if they wanted to get rid of a book, they had to make sure the other of them didn't want it, and then I had the final say in whether or not we actually would get rid of it...and we still managed to get rid of a lot! I'm so proud of ourselves. ; )
Emma said the funniest thing tonight. She was saying something about finding a certain book...I wish I could remember what it was she said. Whatever it was, it was bad grammar, and she immediately followed it with, "I'm using homeschool linguistics!" It took me a second to figure out what she had said, then we all had a good laugh. It's a joke around here...if we use bad grammar while we're talking, one of us will say to the other, "I learning my young'ns how to talk English." or something similar...sometimes it's," I's a homeschooler." Yes, we're all nuts around here. ; )

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