Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thursday March 22, 2007

That's where I've been most of the day. I read, and rocked, and when I got tired of rocking, I lay on the porch. It's been SO nice. : )
Daddy and the girls are gone to shoot "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Revenge of the Pygmy". They've been gone most of the day.
And, so, I've been here by myself...and I totally took the day OFF! Well, I did do a *little* laundry, and cooked supper (pizza), but I was hungry myself, so that wasn't too hard, and the washing machine does all the work for the laundry, so that wasn't either...anyway...I took today off-mostly-and had a good time doing it. ; )
I watched the cars and trains go by, and a bicyclist...and the birds around the feeder...and the cats that keep jumping up in the window to watch's been so beautiful out today. Lower 70's, with a slight breeze...ahhh.
I thought about all sorts of deep philosopical, "if I had a notebook out here with me I could write that down", and "gosh, that train whistle hurts my ears, maybe I should get earplugs", and "wouldn't ice cream be good right now?" know, the great questions of the ages.
When I got tired of reading, I went out back and turned the soil in my garden. Daddy is supposed to be bringing me some plants and seeds when he gets back, but I bet he didn't get through shooting until the store was closed. I'll make him go tomorrow. ; )
Just as I was coming back in from turing the soil, the phone rang. It was a annoying little boy who follows Daddy around like a gnat. He asked what Daddy was doing, what the girls have been doing, then what I had been doing today. I was SO tempted to say, "Putting s**t on the garden." But I refrained. I just said reading, and left it at that. There are some matter how much you'd like to say them...which just aren't "social". Tempting, though.

original date Thursday March 22, 2007

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