Sunday, May 31, 2009


I spent a LONG time online last night finding information about my Dad's family. I knew they had been researched, and figured it was just a matter of time until someone posted it online, so I have bided my time, and finally found them.
Talk about INBREEDING!!!
My sister's husband is thrilled...he's always suspected it of us, now he has proof...makes him feel superior or something... lol
I was up until almost 3 a.m. getting everything I needed, and Daddy had already gone to bed. I was excited about finding it, but didn't want to wake him, so I left him a note..."Found out all about the _____'s. Very interesting...Talk about INBREEDING!!!" (Yes, I leave him notes that sound just like what I write here) ; ) This morning Emma had found the note and added her own..."What a FINE heritage!" Everyone's a comedian...
The girls are at Mom's...spending the night if they behave. She has my sister's two girls, and my brother's two girls, too, so six little girls. Should be fun. The last time they all stayed up there together, they stayed up all night, fixed breakfast at 3:00 in the morning, and then cleaned the kitchen until about 7.
I fed them all cupcakes with chocolate frosting and left.
I *might* take Daddy out on a date, while we're child-less. I really ate too much while I was up there, though, and shouldn't eat any more tonight. I'm trying hard to resist temptation. I'd like to go out and get fish...I'm in a fishy mood tonight.
But, I think I'd really rather keep losing weight.
Only time will tell... ; )

original date Saturday March 17, 2007

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