Sunday, May 31, 2009

MORE Cleaning!

original date Tuesday March 27, 2007

I started putting away all my laundry from yesterday, and got into getting out summer clothes and getting rid of more stuff...I filled three more trash bags with clothes to go to the thrift store, and one bag of garbage! It's really amazing what I put in storage last fall. lol
I got all my clothes put back in the closet...that in itself is amazing, because they haven't *all* fit in there since we first moved in. I am thinking I might go back in there and look for some more things to get rid of. It's so freeing to get rid of things. The house looks so much cleaner not having as many things in it.
I still need to go through my catalogs. I have them in files, and when I put a new one in, I'm *supposed* to take out the old one. Instead I'm usually too busy and just stick the new one in, and the file drawer is so heavy now it's hard to open.
I don't think I'll work any more tonight, though. It's almost time for bed and I still have to do the dishes.

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