Sunday, May 31, 2009


Daddy got a wild idea to paint today. So we painted. We painted the living room ceiling and the door frames and window frame in the living room, and the front door.
We've been living here something like 5 years, and hadn't gotten around to it yet. The front door was so icky I had to scrub it with a steel wool pad--2 actually--to get it clean. Suffice it to say, I don't get around to deep cleaning very often.
We painted the door and frames SUCH a pretty color of peachy-pinky creamey paint. Cream with just a *touch* of peachy-pink. I told Daddy if someone was doing a mural it could be used for a skin tone. Beautiful color. It was one of those cansof paint Home Depot has left over, or returned, or something, and they sell it for lots cheaper...we got it for $5. NOW we just have to find some wallpaper to go with it. ; )
It's been such a lovely day...warm with a breeze, but not too cooling a breeze...nice. : )
The girls went up to Daddy's parent's to wash dishes, and haven't come back yet. His brother called and asked it they'd like to wash disnes for $2. Last I heard they were up to three. lol
I've got laundry I've got to get off the line, and my hand hurts from typing so much yesterday...I gotta stop typing. lol I'm just thinking there was something else I was going to say...I wonder what it was?

Original date Tuesday April 17, 2007

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