Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wildfires, Socialization, and Homeschooled

Have you heard about the fire in GA? One of my cousins lives close...I find it interesting...I can visualize where the fire is when I read about it article was talking about a certain place where the road is beside train tracks...I KNOW that place. I wonder if it's not a natural thing, though...the burning...I'll try and see if I can get my thoughts to come out in a reasonable, understandable way... IF there were no people there...just the woods and swamp, a fire coming through would clear out things, and make room for fresh things...cycling, if you will. It reminds me of in in the "Little House" books where the fire comes and soemone (Ma, maybe?) wonders if the Indians were trying to burn them out, and someone (Pa, maybe?) says something about they burn off the old grass every year to make it all fresh for new grass. (Very rough paraphrase lol) The world keeps going on like it has been for thousands of years, there are just so many people getting in the way now. The same way with hurricanes. I was reading a magazine today which had a picture of houses out in the ocean on a little spit of land...WHAT are they thinking?!? Hurricanes WILL come...makes a lot more sense to me to stay out of their way.
On to the next topic...socialization. My kids are out socializing. ; ) Contrary to what people who have never actually SEEN a homeschooler think, my children do not sit at home all the time and look longingly out the window at the other children walking to school and wish they could go too, but they are kept locked up with their books, because they WILL BE SMARTER...and I have to say it....than the average bear.
Okay...little rant there...nothing to worry about....breathing normally again....; ) I start to get on my soapbox, then along comes a thought like that and just makes me laugh and I can't do it. : )
Back to my original topic. My kids are at my mom's. She brought my brother's kids to church today, then we all went to *Dino Day* at the library, then took all 5 of them home with her. God bless her...she's a glutton for punishment, I guess. : ) Daddy went up to get the girls, but they said she had just started making them scrambled eggs, so they COULDN'T leave. lol They like to get with their cousins, though. We don't see nearly enough of them in the spring, since they all play softball. I'm glad they're getting to spend some time together.
And my last topic...Homeschooled. I was slinking about online, and lurking on a message board and someone mentioned this song...I thought it was funny, in a kind of tongue-in-cheek sort of way. It made me smile, anyway...
original date Sunday April 29, 2007

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