Sunday, May 31, 2009

My eyes

I am SO brilliant! just let me tell you the story.
Tuesday, we were going to go out shopping. I got dressed and started to put in my contacts. The right one was fine, but the left one hurt, like there was something behind it. I took it out and cleaned it, then tried again. Still hurt. So I cleaned it again. Still hurt. So, I did what any smart, reasonable person would have done...I just wore my glasses. NOT! I put it in, anyway, and wore it hurting. We didn't get home until about 5, and I was in dreadful pain, but I still didn't take it out until about 8.
Wednesday I got up early to run out to the laundrymat and post office quickly. I put in my contacts. The right one was fine...the left one...was...painful! I did what any normal, smart, reasonable person would do, I took it out and wore my glasses...I wish. Instead, I did what any vain, stupid person would do...I wore it anyway. It hurt terribly, but I thought I would take it out when I got home. When I DID get home, Mom had called and said she was taking my brother's kids to the park, and did we want to meet them there? Of course we did, so we went down there...and saw a really cute snapping turtle in the creek (teeney tiny, about as big as the bottom of a 1 c. measuring cup, total size...tail and all) and it was about 4 before we got home. Then, I did do what I should have, and took the darn thing out. Too eye is a beautiful shade of red, and it hurts like the dickens. It hurt worse last night...any light at all hurt, and I had to make an eye patch from a kleenex and tape over it. lol
Today, though...I am smarter. I am wearing my glasses and cleaning my contacts thoroughly, and washing my eyes periodically, and putting in drops. I hope it will be better by Sunday. I'd hate to have to wear my glasses to church....vain thing that I am. lol

original date Thursday April 5, 2007

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