Sunday, May 31, 2009


Daddy and the girls got back from seeing the buzzards. They said they saw 111. That's a LOT of buzzards! Daddy filmed...I haven't seen the video yet, but as soon as he gets it uploaded and makes me a couple stills from it, I'll put them here.
I was so inspired with my pic of the girls, I played with several other pictures...all my cats, and several flower photos. Most of the photos of my kids, I didn't mess with, because I think they look perfect the way they are. ; )
I had supper ready when they got home, and the girls have played Barbies ever since they finished eating...well, assuming they ate. Dd2's plate didn't look like more than a couple bites gone, but she'll eat if she's hungry. It's 9:00....I bet she's about to get hungry...I'm getting off the computer and going to fix something.

original date February 23, 2007

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