Our next-door neighbours were having a yard sale this morning, so we went by. They had lots of good stuff (best kind of yard sales)! Anna got a Klutz Pirate Ship kit, unopened, for .50! She wanted me to help her put it together, so we laid on the floor and worked on it. (I can't believe how stained my carpet is! I'm going to have to stop posting pictures of it on my blog! lol) She also got a big bouncy ball thingey, one where you sit on it and it has a handle to hold on to, but it's ears instead of a handle. Daddy said he had one like it when he was small, except it had a handle instead of ears and it had a saddle painted on. It probably dates to about the same time period, actually, but it's in good shape. Emma got a tiny wagon for Froggy...I think that's all she got. I got black netting for fairy wings, feathers for fairy hair, and Disney's Cinderella movie. The movie was just $1, the feathers .25 and they let me have the netting free! Not bad at all. ; ) Daddy got a ceiling fan. They let him have it free, because one of the blades was broken, but it just-so-happens that his mom and dad are putting in a new fan and he got a blade off their old one. It doesn't *quite* match, but it's adequate. ; )
After Kiera left, we went again (in our defense, they had put out some new things)lol. They had a weight bench with weights for $75, and a treadmill for $100, which we would have LOVED to have, but can't afford. The weights alone would cost more than $75 new, and the bench was in pristine condition. This time over I bought nearly every tin they had...popcorn tins, Christmassy tins, cookie tins....I was thinking of them, and hoping I could get back before they were all gone. It's nearly impossible to keep mice out of this old house, so I like metal tins they can't get into. Now I *might* have enough to last a while. lol Anna got roller skates, the old-fashioned kind that strap onto your shoes....metal ones, not the fisher-price plastic ones...and Emma got a Snuggle bear, a purse, 4 pairs of sunglasses and several little knick-knackey things. Oh, and a pair of boots. We didn't buy Daddy anything. ; ) He spent all his time talking to the people having the sale.
After Kiera left, we went again (in our defense, they had put out some new things)lol. They had a weight bench with weights for $75, and a treadmill for $100, which we would have LOVED to have, but can't afford. The weights alone would cost more than $75 new, and the bench was in pristine condition. This time over I bought nearly every tin they had...popcorn tins, Christmassy tins, cookie tins....I was thinking of them, and hoping I could get back before they were all gone. It's nearly impossible to keep mice out of this old house, so I like metal tins they can't get into. Now I *might* have enough to last a while. lol Anna got roller skates, the old-fashioned kind that strap onto your shoes....metal ones, not the fisher-price plastic ones...and Emma got a Snuggle bear, a purse, 4 pairs of sunglasses and several little knick-knackey things. Oh, and a pair of boots. We didn't buy Daddy anything. ; ) He spent all his time talking to the people having the sale.
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