Well, we saw a rainbow today. : ) There was a wonderful thunderstorm, we sat on the porch and read Little House in the Big Woods while it rained, then after supper, Anna went back outside and there was a rainbow. I went to a couple yard sales today...I got Anna a new pair of Crocs, and a barbie doll, and both of them a handheld microscope to play with. Plus, I got a harness for the cats..the lady let me have it free. She also had a cat who looked like Parker...mom's cat which left a couple years ago...so I called her at work and told her and she went down after work, but the cat wouldn't come out.I worked with Justus at the library again. I'm supposed to be teaching him to type. He's going good...he's up to 8 wpm. : ) He didn't finish during the hour we got on the libraries computer, so I brought him home with me to finish. I also checked out 2 books to try. Dear Papa and Mama's Way by Thyra Ferre Bjorn. I read a review, and thought it looked interesting...actually it was a review of Papa's Wife, but I thought they might be good books. If these are good, I might look for the others from the far library. I *think* they had Papa's Daughter for sale the other day, and I thought I had bought it, but apparrently didn't. The girls stayed home with Daddy and played Fate all day. Anna played outside a little, but I think Emma's been inside all day. Emma's quoting Rhett Butler..."frankly my dear, I don't give a hoot." lolWe need to watch that movie.
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