They did a drawing class today.
Emma's picture

*I* went to the Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores. I got the coolest stuff...two puzzles (floor size, or whatever the big ones are called) Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore. Plus, a silk painting kit (with two silk scarves to paint) and a Sunday School curriculum set. All for $5!
At the Salvation Army thrift store I got several books, and a magnetic toy thingey which has dogs and cats and backgrounds and clothes for them to wear. I spent $5 there, too.
I bought one book because it had the library stickers on it, but no "DISCARD" stamp, so I wanted to check with them. I took it in, and asked, and the librarian checked it, and it hadn't even been checked out! She was glad to get it back. I like to keep my eyes open for books like that.
We stopped by the *near* library and I worked on my Myspace page. I just can't get it to do anything here...dial-up is too darn slow! I got a new layout...it's just white; I was SO tired of pink, but not quite ready for black, so I went with white. I'll probably change it again next week, if I get a chance.
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