I told Anna what the date was today, and she was thrilled. She had me write it several times in different ways...7-7-7, 07-07-07,7-7-07....and then I showed her that on her b-day it will be 07-17-07...that's cool, too.
We all took a walk today, up the road about a quarter mile, and then hung around the creek a little while. It's so dry, it's more like a stream now. We did, however, see a beautiful emerald-green damselfly like in the picture. I didn't take the camera, so I had to borrow a picture from online. We also found moneyplant seeds, and brought some home to plant. Anna picked some, too, but she wanted to draw hers....If I remember I'll scan her picture in to share. It was really cute. I asked her if it could go in her portfolio, so she gave it to me. I read "Paddle-to-the-Sea" while they drew.
Daddy is so funny...he'll sit and listen while I read aloud to them. I suspect his mom didn't read aloud very much to him when he was small. My mom, OTOH, read to us all the time. One of my favourite memories is sitting on the couch...on a big pile of clean laundry...and listening while she read. She never let housework get in the way of reading aloud to us. Oddly enough, that ended when we grew up. She has very seldom read to my little brother. She doesn't even have many books in her house anymore. Oh, how I wish I could get some of those old books she used to read to us. There was one..."Little Mommy" I think was the name...I loved it when I was a child. Then the Flicka, Ricka and Dicka, and Snipp, Snapp, and Snurr series...oh, and the Lonely Doll series...and the Emil series...gosh, so many good ones. As I find ones I remember I buy them, but some are SO hard to find. I have only found one Snipp Snapp and Snurr book in all these years, and one Emil...Oh, I could get an Emil book off E-bay...if I wanted to pay $40 for it. Somehow I just don't want it THAT bad. ; )
Back to today....that was quite a tangent to get off onto, wasn't it....the girls are outside playing, and Daddy's taking a nap. I need to get off the computer and relax...I started to type "clean something" but I remembered just in time, that I'm trying to make this a real day of rest for myself. I really haven't done anything superflourous today....Daddy and I went out to a yard sale and the library this morning, then after lunch we took the walk, then sat around while I read...simply a nice relaxing day. It feels SO GOOD to not have ANYTHING that I HAVE to do. Daddy keeps reminding me that I don't HAVE to do things, and I am trying to change it to "I CHOOSE to". Sometimes it really seems like have-to's though.
The sunday school secretary called me today and asked if I could take over her job for a few weeks because she broke her foot. "Well, okay."
Our church is doing VBS this week...will you help? "I suppose"
"Brianna is having a birthday party Friday and we're tye-dying t-shirts, bring your kids and some t-shirts"...can't say no to that one.
So, it's a full week, but I CHOOSE to do these things...and none of them are really that hard or time-consuming...I should be thankful that I'm so blessed and it's not me with the broken foot. ; P
We all took a walk today, up the road about a quarter mile, and then hung around the creek a little while. It's so dry, it's more like a stream now. We did, however, see a beautiful emerald-green damselfly like in the picture. I didn't take the camera, so I had to borrow a picture from online. We also found moneyplant seeds, and brought some home to plant. Anna picked some, too, but she wanted to draw hers....If I remember I'll scan her picture in to share. It was really cute. I asked her if it could go in her portfolio, so she gave it to me. I read "Paddle-to-the-Sea" while they drew.
Daddy is so funny...he'll sit and listen while I read aloud to them. I suspect his mom didn't read aloud very much to him when he was small. My mom, OTOH, read to us all the time. One of my favourite memories is sitting on the couch...on a big pile of clean laundry...and listening while she read. She never let housework get in the way of reading aloud to us. Oddly enough, that ended when we grew up. She has very seldom read to my little brother. She doesn't even have many books in her house anymore. Oh, how I wish I could get some of those old books she used to read to us. There was one..."Little Mommy" I think was the name...I loved it when I was a child. Then the Flicka, Ricka and Dicka, and Snipp, Snapp, and Snurr series...oh, and the Lonely Doll series...and the Emil series...gosh, so many good ones. As I find ones I remember I buy them, but some are SO hard to find. I have only found one Snipp Snapp and Snurr book in all these years, and one Emil...Oh, I could get an Emil book off E-bay...if I wanted to pay $40 for it. Somehow I just don't want it THAT bad. ; )
Back to today....that was quite a tangent to get off onto, wasn't it....the girls are outside playing, and Daddy's taking a nap. I need to get off the computer and relax...I started to type "clean something" but I remembered just in time, that I'm trying to make this a real day of rest for myself. I really haven't done anything superflourous today....Daddy and I went out to a yard sale and the library this morning, then after lunch we took the walk, then sat around while I read...simply a nice relaxing day. It feels SO GOOD to not have ANYTHING that I HAVE to do. Daddy keeps reminding me that I don't HAVE to do things, and I am trying to change it to "I CHOOSE to". Sometimes it really seems like have-to's though.
The sunday school secretary called me today and asked if I could take over her job for a few weeks because she broke her foot. "Well, okay."
Our church is doing VBS this week...will you help? "I suppose"
"Brianna is having a birthday party Friday and we're tye-dying t-shirts, bring your kids and some t-shirts"...can't say no to that one.
So, it's a full week, but I CHOOSE to do these things...and none of them are really that hard or time-consuming...I should be thankful that I'm so blessed and it's not me with the broken foot. ; P
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