Monday, August 11, 2008

Saturday September 8, 2007

Anyway, the girls snuggled with me a little while, then I read some from Farmer Boy to them...we started reading it during the summer, then lost it, but I found it a couple days ago in a pile of papers, so we're back to it now. Speaking of which...
My girls have discovered the Little House books! We read Little House in the Big Woods together, then we started on Farmer Boy, then we lost it, and the girls got tired of waiting for me to find it, so Emma started on Little House on the Prairie, and read some of it aloud to Anna, and now that Emma has finished it and gone on to On the Banks of Plum Creek and Anna is reading Prairie. We've had the books for SO long...Daddy's cousin bought them for Emma, I believe for her 6th B-day, so they've been around a while, and I was despairing of them ever getting interested in them. I guess they just had to grow into them. : )
We went thrift store shopping today, and I got several good games...Razzle, Score Four, Pente, Beginner's Bingo. Emma and I have already played Razzle. It's got letter blocks, and a slider tray and you slide the tray and try to make words with the letters that some up.
I also got several interesting-looking books, and we got a bunch of books at the library, too...I just LOVE library discards!

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