Poor little fellow. He's hurting and has a fever. We took a dart board up there and he played 16 games with Daddy and won 9 and was all happy about beating Daddy. The paper they gave mom at the doctor's said to call if he had a fever over 101. She called and they said call back if it goes over 102. I think it was because it was the weekend. She's calling back first thing in the morning.
The girls spent the last 2 nights with them. It's so good to have them back here. (Although it's hard to miss them when I've spent most of yesterday and today up there.) They got SO dirty today, Emma looked like Pig-Pen from Peanuts with the clouds of dust around her when she walked. She had to wash off before she could take a bath. lol
We'll be up there again tomorrow, though, and I bet they'll get just as dirty. : o p
The girls spent the last 2 nights with them. It's so good to have them back here. (Although it's hard to miss them when I've spent most of yesterday and today up there.) They got SO dirty today, Emma looked like Pig-Pen from Peanuts with the clouds of dust around her when she walked. She had to wash off before she could take a bath. lol
We'll be up there again tomorrow, though, and I bet they'll get just as dirty. : o p
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