Anna took the camera out and took some pictures...this is Frisky.
I've been...well, not too busy to blog, but having other things to do besides blog. VBS every night...tonight is the last night! Our well has started running low on water, so I'm trying to conserve all I can, mainly by catching the "incidental" water and saving it for watering the plants...and only washing one load of laundry a day. It is raining a little today, so that should help some.
I've been keeping up with my chores...that's been nice...it's so much cleaner in here; smells better, too. ; )
Today is the beginning of a *wild* weekend, though. Bri's party is tonight at 5:30, then VBS at 6:30, then tomorrow Anna's b-day party at 2, but I'm thinking we'll have to leave here about 12:30 or 1 to get there on time with the pizzas.
The sweetest thing...In VBS last night, the lesson was about serving, and as an illustration, the teacher told the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet, and washed one of the kids' feet. She said something like" I'll be a servant and wash your feet.", and Anna stood up and said, "I'll wash your feet, too." And she did! The teacher had tears in her eyes when she told me about it...isn't that the sweetest thing! I didn't say anything about it...mainly because I couldn't hear her very well (darn this hearing loss!) and wasn't sure which name she said (Anna and Emma sound too much alike...I wish I had thought of that when I was naming them.) But, on the way home they told me about it. Emma thought it was gross, but then felt bad about feeling it was gross, and wanted to know if we were proud of her for anything. They're both sweet, good girls. SO much unlike me when I was a kid. ; )
I've been...well, not too busy to blog, but having other things to do besides blog. VBS every night...tonight is the last night! Our well has started running low on water, so I'm trying to conserve all I can, mainly by catching the "incidental" water and saving it for watering the plants...and only washing one load of laundry a day. It is raining a little today, so that should help some.
I've been keeping up with my chores...that's been nice...it's so much cleaner in here; smells better, too. ; )
Today is the beginning of a *wild* weekend, though. Bri's party is tonight at 5:30, then VBS at 6:30, then tomorrow Anna's b-day party at 2, but I'm thinking we'll have to leave here about 12:30 or 1 to get there on time with the pizzas.
The sweetest thing...In VBS last night, the lesson was about serving, and as an illustration, the teacher told the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet, and washed one of the kids' feet. She said something like" I'll be a servant and wash your feet.", and Anna stood up and said, "I'll wash your feet, too." And she did! The teacher had tears in her eyes when she told me about it...isn't that the sweetest thing! I didn't say anything about it...mainly because I couldn't hear her very well (darn this hearing loss!) and wasn't sure which name she said (Anna and Emma sound too much alike...I wish I had thought of that when I was naming them.) But, on the way home they told me about it. Emma thought it was gross, but then felt bad about feeling it was gross, and wanted to know if we were proud of her for anything. They're both sweet, good girls. SO much unlike me when I was a kid. ; )
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