Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh, Lets see...What's Been Going On...

Well, I haven't been taking pictures, so I don't have one to put...I guess I could just snag one, but I'm not awake enough to think of one.
Yesterday and today Emma and I have painted at the church...finally finishing up the decorations for Sunday School. We only have one large picture left to do, and hopefully it'll get done by Thursday, so that'll be done. I wanted Daddy to go down with me today and hang the biggest one...It goes way up, and I can't do it by myself...but he is still sick and didn't feel like it.
So Emma and I went by ourselves, and when we finished painting (4 pictures in 1 1/2 hours!) we went out to eat. She asked me to tell her a story about when I was a kid, so I told her about my first and last day of public school in middle school (I went to PS until 3rd, then a small private school the rest of the time.)
One year my sister, brother and I all decided to go out and see the world...change schools and try public school. My sister went to PS until 6th grade, and this was going back to PS for 12th, so she hadn't really missed much there. I left after 3rd, without a good friend anywhere in the school system...I had one once, I have no idea what happened to her, but we weren't friends after 1st grade.
Anyway...I went to school the first day. I had my books, my new book bag, dressed to the nines...complete with high heels, all ready for school. I knew no one, and nothing about how PS worked. I basically followed whoever was in front of me. We went to homeroom. A bell rang and we all got up, and went out, looking for our next class. There were still kids in the classes, and we were the only ones out (The entire class). Finally someone (a man, a teacher, maybe...maybe principal?)told us were suppoesd to stay in homeroom 2 periods and get some sort of basic instructions. So we went back, trooped in, and the teacher said, "I thought it seemed like it wasn't enough time to say all this." I stopped listening right then, and if I had had enough gall, I w0uld have left and walked home. I knew I wasn't going back. SINCE I wasn't going back, I didn't get a locker, I just carried all my textbooks around in that stupid bookbag. I must have looked like an idiot...teetering around in heels, carrying a bulging bookbag. I managed through one day...8:00 in the morning to 3:20 in the afternoon, then when I got in the van I collapsed across the back seat, and announced to mom, "I am NOT going back." She to0k me back to the private school that evening and re-enrolled me. My brother and sister managed to stay in sister graduated with honors, and my brother eventually dropped out, but they didn't go back to the private school. I, on the other hand, stayed in the private school until I graduated.
I am SO GLAD my mom didn't try to make me "stick it out".
I asked Emma (after the story...she might have been feeling a little biased right then) if she thought she'd ever like to go to PS. She said, "NO!!!" Then I asked her if she'd like to go to the private school...(we have helped out there sometimes...Daddy taught an art class for a year a couple years ago, and it was their graduation we went to the other night...I thought maybe watching all the kids together might make her want to be a part of it)and she still said no.
I am pleased. I like the thought that I've made our homeschool so enjoyable they don't wish for anything else.
PS really isn't an option we'd consider, but private might be, if she *really* wanted to go. I'm glad she doesn't.
We're all happy to be home. ; )
Anna had tutoring today. Mom gave me a list of all the topics they covered, in case I wanted to put it in her portfolio. I thought it was a good use letting something as impressive as "private math tutoring" go undocumented. ; ) When they were through tutoring and the little boy left, we helped mom dig up a fence behind her garage, and she also dug up a flower and gave it to me. Anna went down to the stream and turned over rocks and found 2 salamanders and a crawfish....huummm, maybe I should document it as science.... ; ) I would if I had had my camera...WHY can't I ever remember it?!?!? I need to take it to the church with me and get a picture of Emma helping me paint.
Hopefully I'll remember it tomorrow. The far reading club is starting, and Anna is due to go. ; ) BUT, they're having 2 programs, so we get to pick the time which suits us best...I like that kind of stuff. ; )

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