
She didn't weigh enough to spring the trap, so I had to slink over and shut the door.
We took her up in the mountain near where I was raised, and let her out at an old barn. I figured she'd have shelter, water (stream next to it), and food...there's plenty of berries out right now...and she'd be alright.

You can see the icky sore on her back. THAT worries me. The thought of a possum in the kitchen is bad enough, but the thought of a possum with something wrong with it is worse.
Daddy finally got around to fixing the wall/floor, but she was still in there. We weren't sure, but I went into the kitchen to get a drink and she peeked out at me. So we set the trap again and baited it with cat food. She really seemed to like cat food.
Today Daddy had to go the doctor with Justus, so the girls and I went to the library to spend the time while he was gone. I found some really interesting books about the geology of our area. *I* thought it was fascinating...the girls humoured me by looking periodically and saying, "cool".
I was thinking of which branch of science it was, and that got me thinking of all the different branches of science, which made me wonder what they all were, so I looked it up online, and I found this very nice list....
It made me think that if someone was having to keep up with what their child was studying...a portfolio, journal, or whatever, this would be a handy list to have...turn nearly everything into a scientific study...at least on paper...lol...I liked this one best; Gelotology - the study of laughter. If you're watching Bugs Bunny cartoons you can really call it science. lol Anyway, I thought it might be something someone who has to keep records could need.
Let's turn the last few days into science...
Bacteriology (Cleaning up after a possum)
Biology (Possum...um and us...)
Ecology (More possum...Anna looked them up online and read all about them)
Geography (those really cool books I looked at at the library
Geology (crawling around on a hillside)
Medicine (Justus and his darn leg--he has a new cast BTW)
Mineralology (those rocks again)
Nutrition (um...lets see...yeah, we ate)
Paleontology (same rocks...this time focusing on the fossils)
Pathology (what made that sore on the possum's back, and should we have tried to help it before we set it loose?)
Seismology (this has been in some of the books about rocks we've read...interesting thing, there's a fault line near here)
Volcanology (some of these in those books we've read, and the games we've played)
My gosh...we've covered an entire year's Science curriculum in one week. Okay, we'll stop learning now. lol
(Oh, yeah, and Gelotology) lol
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