Monday, August 11, 2008

Something Smells Funny...

I think I need to deep-clean. I haven't time, though...although I'm finding time to blog. ; ) Anna felt better last night, and most of today, then started feeling bad again tonight. I hope she feels better tomorrow. She's a little hot, but I can't take her temperature, because mom has our that spelled right? Well, Justus is back at school, for math class, at least. I'm glad....he only had 4 problems for homework today....lots better than the 44 he had to do Friday. I have to remember to take me something to work on while he's in class, though...I ran out of things to do today. : ) It's only an hour, so it's not too bad. Mom met us at the library after class, and he did some research. Well, technically, I did some research, and he talked to one of his friends. I can really see now how people get into doing their kids school work. It certainly is easier than getting them to do it. NOW I remember why I unschool. ; ) lol I was reading on one of the local groups I'm on, and one woman mentioned the ps sending a 300 page workbook for her dd over the summer so she could teach her dd multiplication, because they hadn't gotten around to it over the school year. What's the use for ps, when the parent's do all the teaching? My SIL is like that...she spends about 4 hours working with her kids every evening, gets them in the bathtub and bed, then wakes them at 6:30 to do it all again. Homeschooling would be SO much easier! (Oh, yeah, and her girls got lice last week...homeschooling IS easier than dealing with THAT! At least my kids won't get lice at school! lol)

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