
It was a beautiful day. It rained a tiny bit...just enough to keep it from being too hot on us. We had a lovely little sand bar to fish from, just covered with shells. The girls took a bag to collect some in.

The fishing was pretty good, too.
">Trying for a BIG one!

">And Anna has one!

">and another one!

Daddy had to help her re-worm her hook.

">Then Emma caught a fish!

">We went prepared to eat fish, but I took along things for hot dogs, too. We ended up throwing back all the fish.

Anyway, we ended up not staying quite the whole night. about 2:30 Daddy woke me up and said he was tired and the fish weren't biting anyway, and he wanted to sleep in his own bed, so we came home. Anna was a little unhappy when she woke up in her own bed this morning, and wanted to go back. She's drawing now, and hasn't mentioned it again, so she may have forgotten she wanted to. I think she'll be okay to just go for fishing next time, and not want to camp out. It was fun, though, and we *may* go back again. We only had one run-in with an animal...we left a jug of water on the table, and some soap for handwashing, and a raccoon came snooping over and knocked the soap over. I startled him, and he clomped off into the corn field and hid until I went back to the river. He reminded me so much of my Max-cat it made me lonely for him. (He's sitting on my lap now, making it hard for me to type, but I'll bet he missed me too. ; )
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