Monday, August 11, 2008

Through one more week...

Although I really don't like thinking of my life like that. It is definately more stressful homeschooling Justus. Today, though he had NO math, NO language arts, NO we got through fairly quickly, then he went to his grandmother's and I got to come home and take Daddy out for lunch. : )
Daddy and the girls are gone to get water now...we don't drink our water, our well is SO contaminated, so we go about once a week and get water from my uncle's spring. I elected to stay home and put laundry away. : ) It's nice to have a little quiet time every once in a while...although I'm really getting thirsty! Hopefully they'll get back before I die of thirst. lol
Emma was wanting to look for more fossils or geodes near there, so they may have stopped to do that. She's still interested in fossils and geodes, rocks in general...and Anna's still interested in birds. We stopped at a yard sale across from Mom's Wednesday on the way home, and the people across the road had a couple hummingbird feeders up, and hummers swarming around them. Anna noticed and watched for a while, then said, "Mom, we've GOT to get a hummingbird feeder." Later she came in and asked if she could get one for Christmas. I explained that the hummers would be gone south at Christmas, so she wouldn't be able to use it until spring, and she said, "But I may not be interested in birds next spring!" I think we'll try to get her one ASAP...before she loses interest. lol We've had several around already, visiting the bushes in the yard which are currently blooming...maybe we can put up the feeder before they stop blooming and the hummers move on.

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