Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of Homeschooling a Teenage Boy

It wasn't actually too bad. He worked fairly well, and got everything finished by 2:30, but I'm wondering HOW we're going to get everything finished when he gets his math and english assignments. He only had American History, Biology and Bible today. The Biology was hard...I remember some of it from when I had it in school (which worries me...if these books haven't been updated in 15 years, what good are they?) but I had trouble with a couple things...I thought I was going to have to call mom at work and ask her about them. When he was finished he asked why he needed to know about the inner workings of earthworms, and I had to tell him it was silly nonsense. I don't think I'll be a very good influence on him. ; ) lol
WHY do they teach teenagers about earthworms? How many teenagers are interested in earthworms? How many teenagers ever use their knowledge of the inner workings of earthworms? Plain, pure silliness.
(I wonder how anyone would use information of the inner workings of earthworms?)
Okay, now I'm just rambling. I made sure Daddy came to pick me up as soon as mom got home today. I'm tired of being away from our little house. I've been spoiled by being able to stay home. I like it here too much. : )
I'll have several more weeks of this...I don't know if his grandmother will want (or be able to) come up and stay with him any...she's homeschooling another grandson, started today, too, and she'll have her hands full. She suggested Daddy bring him down to stay at her house, but you can't get a wheelchair anywhere except the kitchen or living room, so he couldn't get in the bathroom or anything there. Until he can use the crutches he will have to be home. I started working him a little on physical therapy yesterday. I'm trying to get daddy to work with him a little...he could probably do it better than I can.
Oh, I gotta go to the library and grocery store...more tomorrow, I guess. ; )

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