Monday, August 11, 2008

Just Kind of Lazing Around...

We haven't really done anything since we got back from our camping trip. Kind of "jet-laggy" I guess. ; )
I played a little U.S. States BINGO with the girls this evening. They know more of the states names than I realized. They have a interactive game-thingey that has the states, capitals and facts about the states, and they've learned a LOT I hadn't even realized from it. The BINGO game has 5 options to play, state names, abbreviations, nicknames, facts, and capitals, and we played names, abbreviations, and capitals. Emma was sure she only knew one state capital, then thought of another one she knew, then all of a sudden there was another, and another, and another...I think she was amazed she knew so many.
They asked about learning to play "Gin" this evening, also. I need to look online for the rules. That's one game I've never played. They're interested because of an Andy Griffith episode where Andy and Barney are playing, every time someone says "gin" Otis says, "Don't mind if I do." They think it's hilarious.

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