Monday, August 11, 2008

And I Wasn't Even Going To Blog Today...

but then, I found this online... "Thought I'd update in case you worried about us. The children aren't doing anything today. Nothing. They're just sitting and staring at a blank wall. All day. heehee" LOL! I have NO IDEA who's blog it is...I was reading a blog, and clicked on a link....anyway, it's great!
I just LOVE this idea...
"Steps from Home
I've been thinking on this idea for a few weeks - I'm announcing it now so that I don't forget again! The idea is to name a number, say 102, and take 102 steps in any direction out of our front gate with my children. At a certain number, we stop, and see what interesting thing we can find. Might be a bird through binoculars, it might be a shining stone on the pavement, might be a beautiful flower, might only be a piece of glass, or garbage. I'm thinking we'll take a picture of it, talk about it, and maybe make up fanciful stories about it. In doing this I'm hoping that one, we'll find some sort of enchantment with living in our very ordinary city neighborhood, and two we'll stretch our imaginations with wondering "how did it get here?", and three - maybe, just maybe, my children will learn to see magic in every day things and circumstances. What better way to teach them how to appreciate little things, or show them how we might find the magic in our lives?"
Oh, we GOTTA do that! I'll mention it to the girls tomorrow and see if they like the idea.
My living room looks like a Lego factory exploded in it. lol Right now Anna is playing with her coffee box...I read about an idea of helping dyslexic kids write better using a sand box to practice writing in...I had a pack of coffee grounds I wasn't using, and a cake pan with a lid, so I made her a coffee box. ; ) It smells SO good. ; )
Emma is making a pie. Daddy asked for one about a week ago, and she's just getting around to it. She makes Mock Apple Pie...we tried the Mock Pecan Pie, but it just tasted like beans. lol The Mock Apple Pie really tastes like Apple, and we always tell people (she likes to make it for cookouts and get-togethers) it's made from "rare mock apples". lol She's also watching Finding Nemo, and reading "Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger". Multitasker.

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