Thursday, August 14, 2008

15 Years!

I saw online this morning that Jay Leno is celebrating 15 years with his show. I didn't realize it before, but that would mean that he started it the same year I graduated.
This year is my 15th out of high school. This fellow in my picture, my baby brother, was born 3 days after my graduation. THAT's how long it's been! He certainly has grown up quickly, it seems. My Mom went to the doctor that day (it was a Friday) and the doctor said, "I believe this baby is ready to come out, we could take you in and go ahead and do it now." (She knew she was going to have to have a c-section, because he was big...with a big head...and her 'advanced' age;she was 44) But, she said, "Can we wait a couple days, my youngest daughter is graduating from high school tonight, and I can't miss that." So they waited until Monday. I've always thought that was a funny story.
But, now it's 15 years. I should take myself out to eat for a reunion. ; ) I went to a really small private school, and was one of 2 in my "class". I finished up early, I did 11th and 12th at the same time, because I didn't see any reason to come back another year just for English 12 and Government.
15 years sounds so long to me. Time just passes too quickly!

What's been going on...

Anna and Daddy. I think it's so cute the way she drapes herself over him. My dad died when I was 8, and he wasn't around much before that, so I've never had a "Daddy" to drape over like that...I think they're sweet.
Emma and I made peanut butter cookies today. We ate them almost as fast as they came out of the oven, but I burnt the last batch. We're going out in a few minutes to roast weiners and marshmallows.
I'm all sneezy. Allergies are dreadful. I took a pill, but it was too much and I decided I'd prefer to sneeze.
Daddy finally got his new computer all set up and going. Including the printer. It's nice...although it has Vista and he doesn't like it. He can manage I guess...; )

Whistling Girls and Crowing Hens...

If you think those are bad, just listen to this...
We had our weiner and marshmellow roast....and had fun.
When we were nearly finished, Daddy spat into the fire. (like projectile spitting...forceful...KWIM?) Anna asked him, "Daddy, how come boys can spit like that but girls can't?" I laughed and said, "Daddy, you're in for it'll have to teach them to spit like that." So he did.
By the time we came in, they were spitting excellantly! We left them out there with the pitcher of kool-aid to put the fire out by spitting in it. LOL
It was too dark for pictures, but I wish I could have taken was SO funny. They caught on so quickly....I guess it's true about kids learning fast when it's something they're interested in. ; ) lol

Sadie Hawkins Day

Ever heard of Sadie Hawkins Day? I had *heard* of it, but no more, until my girls borrowed a Lil' Abner DVD from mom.

They watched it and wanted to know what Sadie Hawkins Day was, and I started telling them that it was something started in England or somewhere over there, and they burned things, then stopped and thought and said, No, that's Guy Fawkes Day . So I had to look it up online.
I've actually been meaning to look it up for a week or more, and just remembered tonight, here's what I found....

Sadie Hawkins Day, an American folk event, made its debut in Al Capp's Li'l Abner strip November 15, 1937. Sadie Hawkins was "the homeliest gal in the hills" who grew tired of waiting for the fellows to come a courtin'. Her father, Hekzebiah Hawkins, a prominent resident of Dogpatch, was even more worried about Sadie living at home for the rest of his life, so he decreed the first annual Sadie Hawkins Day, a foot race in which the unmarried gals pursued the town's bachelors, with matrimony the consequence. By the late 1930's the event had swept the nation and had a life of its own. Life magazine reported over 200 colleges holding Sadie Hawkins Day events in 1939, only two years after its inception. It became a woman empowering rite at high schools and college campuses, long before the modern feminist movement gained prominence. The basis of Sadie Hawkins Day is that women and girls take the initiative in inviting the man or boy of their choice out on a date, typically to a dance attended by other bachelors and their aggressive dates. When Al Capp created the event, it was not his intention to have the event occur annually on a specific date because it inhibited his freewheeling plotting. However, due to its enormous popularity and the numerous fan letters Capp received, the event became an annual event in the strip during the month of November, lasting four decades.
It's celebrated the Saturday after November 9, according to Wikipedia.

I think it's cool that they are interested in things like that from a dinky little movie from the thirties or forties. Daddy is interested in the way the film was made and things technical. Quite a bit of joy from a $1 DVD.

Entry for June 02, 2007

Emma is doing an experiment with magnets and paper clips. She said she read about it in a Magic School Bus book.
She found the magnets in a box of toys at the thrift store this morning. She got the best stuff in her toy bag...the little beadey things that you put into a shape and melt with an iron...I have no idea what they are called...and those magnets...and a little metal space shuttle that reminds me of one I had when I was a kid, but it didn't have a date on it, so I can't tell if it's the same. Anna got cool stuff, too...lots and lots of little animals, and a barn and fences for them.

Emma Being Me

I did remember to mention Emma's day of being me, didn't I?
I think it was Monday...I just have gotten the pics on the computer.
She started out the day really well...she did all my chores, and made lunch...then had a little downtime after lunch...then I had a meltdown, and that ended that.
But, it was fun while it to prove it...
She's feeding the rabbits here.

Emma Feeding Frisky

With Anna looking over her shoulder.

Emma Hanging Laundry

Well, getting ready to. ; )
I tried to edit this photo, but my editing software must be gone, because it wouldn't do what I wanted it to. Anyway, now it's harder to see what's stained in that basket. ; P

Emma Making Lunch

Chicken and dumplings...these are the dumplings.

Entry for June 03, 2007

Today was the church picnic...and of course I forgot my camera. We didn't stay long. We weren't going to go at all...Anna got sick and threw up this morning, and Daddy's tummy was very unhappy, but Emma was SO sad about missing it, and Anna said she felt better after she puked, so we went for a little while. We were back home in about 2 hours, but we made an appearance, anyway. I'm SO sure everyone will be just thrilled when they come down with whatever stomach bug we're spreading around.
Anna and Emma are playing outside with the waterhose right now, and Daddy's sitting *very* still in the recliner...I guess it hurts less that way. He doesn't even want to talk...he just lays there and moans. Boy, I hope I don't get it.

Oh, Lets see...What's Been Going On...

Well, I haven't been taking pictures, so I don't have one to put...I guess I could just snag one, but I'm not awake enough to think of one.
Yesterday and today Emma and I have painted at the church...finally finishing up the decorations for Sunday School. We only have one large picture left to do, and hopefully it'll get done by Thursday, so that'll be done. I wanted Daddy to go down with me today and hang the biggest one...It goes way up, and I can't do it by myself...but he is still sick and didn't feel like it.
So Emma and I went by ourselves, and when we finished painting (4 pictures in 1 1/2 hours!) we went out to eat. She asked me to tell her a story about when I was a kid, so I told her about my first and last day of public school in middle school (I went to PS until 3rd, then a small private school the rest of the time.)
One year my sister, brother and I all decided to go out and see the world...change schools and try public school. My sister went to PS until 6th grade, and this was going back to PS for 12th, so she hadn't really missed much there. I left after 3rd, without a good friend anywhere in the school system...I had one once, I have no idea what happened to her, but we weren't friends after 1st grade.
Anyway...I went to school the first day. I had my books, my new book bag, dressed to the nines...complete with high heels, all ready for school. I knew no one, and nothing about how PS worked. I basically followed whoever was in front of me. We went to homeroom. A bell rang and we all got up, and went out, looking for our next class. There were still kids in the classes, and we were the only ones out (The entire class). Finally someone (a man, a teacher, maybe...maybe principal?)told us were suppoesd to stay in homeroom 2 periods and get some sort of basic instructions. So we went back, trooped in, and the teacher said, "I thought it seemed like it wasn't enough time to say all this." I stopped listening right then, and if I had had enough gall, I w0uld have left and walked home. I knew I wasn't going back. SINCE I wasn't going back, I didn't get a locker, I just carried all my textbooks around in that stupid bookbag. I must have looked like an idiot...teetering around in heels, carrying a bulging bookbag. I managed through one day...8:00 in the morning to 3:20 in the afternoon, then when I got in the van I collapsed across the back seat, and announced to mom, "I am NOT going back." She to0k me back to the private school that evening and re-enrolled me. My brother and sister managed to stay in sister graduated with honors, and my brother eventually dropped out, but they didn't go back to the private school. I, on the other hand, stayed in the private school until I graduated.
I am SO GLAD my mom didn't try to make me "stick it out".
I asked Emma (after the story...she might have been feeling a little biased right then) if she thought she'd ever like to go to PS. She said, "NO!!!" Then I asked her if she'd like to go to the private school...(we have helped out there sometimes...Daddy taught an art class for a year a couple years ago, and it was their graduation we went to the other night...I thought maybe watching all the kids together might make her want to be a part of it)and she still said no.
I am pleased. I like the thought that I've made our homeschool so enjoyable they don't wish for anything else.
PS really isn't an option we'd consider, but private might be, if she *really* wanted to go. I'm glad she doesn't.
We're all happy to be home. ; )
Anna had tutoring today. Mom gave me a list of all the topics they covered, in case I wanted to put it in her portfolio. I thought it was a good use letting something as impressive as "private math tutoring" go undocumented. ; ) When they were through tutoring and the little boy left, we helped mom dig up a fence behind her garage, and she also dug up a flower and gave it to me. Anna went down to the stream and turned over rocks and found 2 salamanders and a crawfish....huummm, maybe I should document it as science.... ; ) I would if I had had my camera...WHY can't I ever remember it?!?!? I need to take it to the church with me and get a picture of Emma helping me paint.
Hopefully I'll remember it tomorrow. The far reading club is starting, and Anna is due to go. ; ) BUT, they're having 2 programs, so we get to pick the time which suits us best...I like that kind of stuff. ; )

Reading Club First Meeting

They had the first meeting of the *far* reading club today. Their theme is Wild, Wild West...or something similar. Stampede to Reading, maybe.
I took a pile of pictures. Anna wanted to pose with all of their decorations. I just wish my camera did better. Isn't she cute? : )
I might try to get Daddy's new camera to go with me next time. It would have done SO much better.

The Justice League

We just got a new Justice League DVD. This is one of our favourite parts...
Lex Luthor and Flash get their minds exchanged...
Flash (as Lex) goes in the restroom to try to call the Justice League on his cell phone (no signal) when he comes out, some bad guy is waiting for him...and he starts toward the door. The bad guy says, "Aren't you going to wash your hands?" Flash (as Lex) turns back to him and says, "No...'cause I'm EVIL."
We just LOVE that.
At Mom's Monday, Kady didn't wash her hands, and Emma asked her if she wanted to wash her hands, and she said no. Emma came over and whispered to me "'cause I'm EVIL." and we cracked up.
(Then Emma took her and helped her wash.)


I went outside to ask Anna if she wanted sausage biscuits for supper (she asked for them several days ago, and I just remembered to buy sausage).
When I got out, they showed me their "fire pit". The grouch in me said, "I thought I asked you not to move the rocks."
Emma said, "But, we had to move them, so the fire wouldn't be too close to the house. We''ll put them back when we're finished. May we have a lighter and marshmallows?"
Who could say no to that?
OF COURSE they had to move them...the rock pile is only about three feet from the side of the house. They built their fire pit a fine distance from ANYTHING that could catch fire.
(Plus, they're burning the brush Daddy has been supposed to be moving for 3 months.)
I LOVE living with these girls. They're SO amazing.
See the beautiful fire? I had nothing to do with it. They built it by themselves. When I was 11, I had never touched a lighter, and was scared of them.
Now, I've just got to work on biting my tongue when thinking of stupid things, like "I thought I asked you not to move the rocks."

: P


Well, we saw a rainbow today. : ) There was a wonderful thunderstorm, we sat on the porch and read Little House in the Big Woods while it rained, then after supper, Anna went back outside and there was a rainbow. I went to a couple yard sales today...I got Anna a new pair of Crocs, and a barbie doll, and both of them a handheld microscope to play with. Plus, I got a harness for the cats..the lady let me have it free. She also had a cat who looked like's cat which left a couple years I called her at work and told her and she went down after work, but the cat wouldn't come out.I worked with Justus at the library again. I'm supposed to be teaching him to type. He's going good...he's up to 8 wpm. : ) He didn't finish during the hour we got on the libraries computer, so I brought him home with me to finish. I also checked out 2 books to try. Dear Papa and Mama's Way by Thyra Ferre Bjorn. I read a review, and thought it looked interesting...actually it was a review of Papa's Wife, but I thought they might be good books. If these are good, I might look for the others from the far library. I *think* they had Papa's Daughter for sale the other day, and I thought I had bought it, but apparrently didn't. The girls stayed home with Daddy and played Fate all day. Anna played outside a little, but I think Emma's been inside all day. Emma's quoting Rhett Butler..."frankly my dear, I don't give a hoot." lolWe need to watch that movie.

Headachey Sunday...With a Terrapin

The girls found a terrapin at Dad's parent's today. I had a headache, but still managed to go up and snap a picture. ; )
We left church as soon as Sunday School class was over. I lay down for a few hours in the dark, but it didn't help, so I had to take a pill. I hate taking medicine...while I am thankful that I have it to take.
I'm trying to set up a myspace page for me. My sister says I need one of my own and I need to stop using my brother's. I've been sending her comments from his page, and they look voice and his picture.

Feeling Better Monday

Much better than Headachey Sunday! I finished up my chores early and spent the rest of the day running around town.
The girls went with Dadddy's parents to the grocery store and a couple other places, so Daddy and I went out by ourselves. He didn't feel well, though, so I brought him home and went back out to the library to tutor Justus without him. When Justus and I were finished we stopped to get him some food, then stopped at the gym so he could shoot a few baskets...then we came home and picked up the girls and some lettuce and went to mom's.
We had a good time with Karen and the kids at mom's this evening. The girls played, and Anna caught Little Fellow starting across the hay field by himself. She's very proud of herself. She also got to hold a frog Karen caught. It peed on her. EEwwww. Emma is telling her she's going to get warts now. lol

I Hate Thinking of a Title

especially when we haven't done anything--exciting. Anna didn't feel good when she woke up this morning, so she didn't want to go to the summer reading club meeting. She played computer games with Daddy most of the day, and watched a little tv.
Emma and I went out to the library and the grocery store. The van had trouble starting, so I just took the door key and left it running and locked. Daddy was going to check it out when I got home, but it started raining, so he couldn't.
We sat on the porch while it rained and played games. We started with Aggravation, then Trivial Pursuit. Then Daddy's Dad sent down soup beans and cornbread for supper, so I didn't have to cook. God bless men who like to cook!

We've Been Fishing!

Emma had her Summer Reading Club meeting today. We had gotten a postcard from the library this week saying she had won a prize in last week's drawing, but they couldn't get in touch with us by phone. (I'm not sure I blogged about getting the postcard.) Anyway, we picked it up today when we went, and it was a $10 Wal-Mart giftcard. Anyway, when the meeting was over (it was about decorating) they drew for door prizes, and she won ANOTHER $10 Wal-Mart gift card!
SO, she went to Wal-Mart with $20 for anything she wanted. She bought 2 goldfish, fish food, a net, rocks, little rock with holes, and an aquarium.
I do hope they don't die. We stopped at the grocery store afterwards and bought water for them. We've never had any luck with fish before, but....maybe this time....
She's named them Zack and Cody. And the aquarium is the Tipton.


We went to a Relay for Life event last night. My little brother was walking from 9:30-10, and we were going to pick him up and take him home.
We helped out a little, setting up the bags and candles for the lumeneria-thingey. I *tried* to take a picture of Emma putting candles in the bags, but it didn't come out. This is the only good picture I got of the whole thing.
I put both girls in jail for a little while. They had a good time and wanted to go back. : )
I thought about putting Justus in jail, he was so hard to keep up with!
(The 911 dispatch had a "Jail and Bail" set up, only $1 to cage up a friend or foe!)
Our youth pastor was *supposed* to be singing at 10:30, but it was closer to 11 by the time he got his stuff set up and started. Justus wanted to stay for that, so we stayed...and stayed...and stayed.
It was 12:30 before we got home; and I was SO tired!
Today we have a birthday party to attend, then they're having a Music Festival downtown I'd like to drop by.
I'll have to charge up my camera batteries, though. : )

Sculpture Walk

When we went to the Reading Club meeting Thursday, we did the sculpture walk nearby.
Most of them are wierd....this one is our (well, mine and Daddy's) favourite. It moves, and although the picture doesn't show it, it has a spinny thing on top that turns. I'd like to have something like it (the top) in my garden.
I'm not sure which one was the girls' favourite, but I think it was a wooden man. I'd ask, but they're asleep.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Fish, A Party, and An Ankle..

I posted a wonderful post...well, I tried, but it disappeared into space somewhere.
I'll try again.
One of the goldfish died this morning. It was floating around at the bottom of the tank this morning. I scooped it out and laid it on a paper towel for the girls to bury, but they still haven't. It's lying on my kitchen table now.
We had a good time at the birthday party today. The girls had lots of cousins to play with...I got a good picture I may post later. The kids played outside for a long time. When everyone left we played baseball with Justus....which brings us to the ankle.
Daddy hurt his ankle. Not playing baseball...that all went fine. Not later when he jumped out of the swing...acting like a kid. When we were getting ready to leave, to go to the Music Fest, he stepped wrong and twisted his ankle and felt something pop. We're hoping it's just sprained. He's hoping it feels well enough to go to church tomorrow...I doubt it though. It's swelled and hurting bad now.

Entry for June 17, 2007

Huuummm...I'll be lazy and not try to think up a title.
The girls and I went to Sunday School this morning...and Daddy had to stay home. He slept until about 12:00, which was good, because he didn't sleep very well last night. He cried out every time he rolled over, and about 4:00 he got really cold and shivered...which I can't figure out, because in the entire 13 years I''ve known him, he's not been cold once. I gave him a pain pill then, and he slept better. I had to teach Sunday School again. I asked if they had found a teacher for that class when I went in...always hopeful...but they hadn't. I went ahead and prepared for next week, because I really don't expect them to get someone. Next week's lesson is "Follow the Leader" and I had to cut out 36 little footprints. I thought I was NOT going to wait until next week to see if they had someone, and have 36 little footprints waiting on me to cut out then. Daddy says I'm just too easy. I guess I am.
After church was over I went to the store and bought Daddy an X-Men DVD we spotted last night. We already bought and gave him the computer game for Father's Day, but he wanted this too. And since he hurt his ankle...
We went up to his mom and dad's this afternoon. His brother was there with his family. Their smallest little fellow is walking now...Anna says he walks like a duck. : ) He would fall down...just sit down hard on his little padded bottom. He was cute.
Since we came home we've watched the new DVD, and Daddy's played the computer game we got him. Emma's with him now, playing and reading the comics. I too lazy to write a title today?

Isn't that a pretty baby? That's what I've got set as my desktop background right now...she's so cute.
My sister says she's a "big girl". I say she's still a baby. She'll be 4 next month. She's a cutie, for sure...
We went up today and the girls got to play with them (my sister's kids). They got wonderfully dirty and had loads of fun.
I've been working on MySpace...mine and my brother's. I set his with the new Fantastic 4 background they've got on there. It's cool. I found one for myself with flowers and fairies. It's still pink, but it's not totally pink like it was. I was a little pinked-out.
Emma's working on an altered book, and they're all watching X-men.
Gotta get ready for bed now, though...and feed the fish. : )

A Doctor, An Ankle (Again), and a Summer Reading Club

I didn't think to carry my camera with me today, so I don't have a photo... : (
Daddy decided he didn't like the color his foot was turning, so he called to doctor and went for an x-ray. It's not broken (thankfully), and they gave him an "air cast" which is cool. He's hobbling around on it now. It hurts, but the air cast makes it feel sturdier.
We went to the near library and signed up for the Summer Reading Program there. They had a contest...if you checked out 10 books you could put your name in the drawing, so each girl got 10 books. They have already read quite a few.
They are playing with playdough right now. We don't have much...most of it has been mixed together and has dried out...I really need to remember to buy more.

Fixing the Van

Stupid van tore up. Starter went out. : (
Daddy had to work on it all day...he first thought it was the battery, but he tried three or 4 different ones, and none worked, so he thought it might be the starter, so he got my dad to take him to the auto parts store and they checked it and that's what it was. $95 for another one. At least we were *able* to get it. Once we had it, it didn't take him any time at all to get it on and try it...and it worked!!! Thank God!
Anna had to miss her Reading Club meeting --AGAIN, but she wasn't upset about it. She's spent the day reading and drawing, and watching tv.
Emma has spent the day doing pretty much the looks like she's been working on comics again, but she hasn't shown me any yet.
I added our new books to our card catalog. I still need to mark out the library labels and find shelf space, but they're added. I always feel better when I get that done. It looks like about 26 new books this time. I wonder where I'll put them? ; P

Okay, Lets Give This a Shot...

My kids, My sister's kids, and my little brother
My sister's kids :

Huummm, who's taller?
He's upset because I took away a cell phone
Should I cry?
WWWAAAHHHH!!!I just love his hair.
Pretty girls

Emma Had Her Turn At The Reading Club Today...

and I actually took pictures! Well, a few...
They did a drawing class today.
Emma's picture
*I* went to the Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores. I got the coolest stuff...two puzzles (floor size, or whatever the big ones are called) Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore. Plus, a silk painting kit (with two silk scarves to paint) and a Sunday School curriculum set. All for $5!
At the Salvation Army thrift store I got several books, and a magnetic toy thingey which has dogs and cats and backgrounds and clothes for them to wear. I spent $5 there, too.
I bought one book because it had the library stickers on it, but no "DISCARD" stamp, so I wanted to check with them. I took it in, and asked, and the librarian checked it, and it hadn't even been checked out! She was glad to get it back. I like to keep my eyes open for books like that.
We stopped by the *near* library and I worked on my Myspace page. I just can't get it to do anything here...dial-up is too darn slow! I got a new's just white; I was SO tired of pink, but not quite ready for black, so I went with white. I'll probably change it again next week, if I get a chance.


Zack is still with us! It's been a week now since we got him, and he's still doing well. I wonder if he's a little unhappy...he'll swim up and down and up and down, it makes me wonder if he's bored. Emma accuses me of beginning to like him. When I get up in the mornings I turn his light on and feed him and tell him good morning, and Emma looks around the edge of the bedroom and says, "I think you like Zack a little."

Painting a Garage

There it mom's garage. She's having a BIG cookout Friday, and we're helping her get ready, and for some reason, instead of cleaning house today, like *I* had in mind, she wanted the garage painted. It's white now, and as soon as Daddy feels up to it, it'll have grey shutters.
We got up there 12:30 ish, and just got home at about 7:30. I'm sunburnt...we won't get a picture of THAT, though...
It looks SO good now...she'll do things like that, then wonder why she hasn't done them before.
We went to the library today, and I got some GREAT discards...I'd tell all about them, but the bag is SO FAR AWAY...must be 5 feet....and I'm too tired to move.

Entry for June 26, 2007

I have pictures somewhere, but I'm too lazy to get them off the camera...maybe tomorrow, when I have more. ; )
We went to the first meeting of the "near" library summer reading club. There were so many kids there, I went out and waited for the girls outside. Emma won a change purse with the theme for this year's program on it. The program was a puppet show, but I thought the woman who did it was not very nice. First thing out of her mouth was, "Will everyone PLEASE turn their cell phones off?" I could think of nicer ways to ask. Then when it was over she was standing at the back of the room as everyone was filing out, and Anna went up to the table in the front to see if the eggs she had were real or plastic, and she yelled, all the way from the back of the room, "Will you STOP handling my things." I was outside the door and couldn't see Anna, but *knew* it was her. One of those mother things...if someone is messing in something, it'll be my kids.
Anna had tutoring with Mom this evening...(she told Mom, "It wasn't as boring as usual.") then they both helped Mom tutor Kiera and Kady.
We stayed for a while after that and they played outside with them, then when we came home, Daddy had the grill started and we had a little cookout on the back porch. We made a little fire pit beside the back porch and roasted marshmellows for smores, too.

Oh, Gosh, Yesterday...

I was going to blog, but I was too tired last night.
AND, I was going to take pictures yesterday, to put on my blog, but the stupid camera is unhappy with me, so I didn't get to do that, either.
Anyway...we papercreted. Huuummm, ...try that if you don't know what it'll tell you a little.
I *really* wanted a picture of the girls up to their elbows mixing the stuff, but...again...stupid camera!
Emma mixed until a spider crawled up and bit her on the leg, then she went inside, took a shower and watched tv the rest of the day.
Anna helped and helped Daddy, until they were finished. Emma and I went up to mom's in the afternoon, but Anna stayed and helped Daddy, "He shouldn't be left alone to finish it." Isn't she the sweetest! ; )
Both girls have terrible rashes on their arms from the cement. I had them rub vinegar over their arms when they got out of the shower, and it helped some, but their arms are still sore.
Mom brought several bags of used clothes home from work with her, and Emma and I went through them and picked out a huge bag for us. I got Anna 2 nice winter heavy and one light...and Emma got gobs of scarves and ponchos....she's having a thing right now about being self-conscious about her newly developing body, and wanting lots of coverage, so the scarves and ponchoes were a great find.
After church, we went to mom's again and talked a while, and ate a light supper with them. When we got back home, we were all so tired we just fell into bed.
This morning I'm washing the clothes we got yesterday. I've already finished 2 loads and need to go get the third in the washer. ; )

Entry for June 29, 2007

We had our big family cookout tonight. It's all the family, my mom's brother's, sisters and all their children and *their* families....quite a few people. We had less this time than any other time, and there were 48 people there....and I didn't take a single picture. Shame on me.
It rained just about when everyone had finished eating, and we had to move it indoors, so it was kinda good there weren't too many people there. A bunch of us sat around the kitchen table listening to the FUNNIEST stories...
Here's one...
My cousin's wife (CW hereafter) told this on herself: She ran out to the store for a quick stop, and when she came back outside, she went to a *blue* car and opened the drivers side door. She noticed some papers on the back seat, and thought, "Oh, BIL must have dropped off some papers we're supposed to be taking to someone." So she opened the back door and picked up the papers and looked at them...she said she didn't remember what they said, she just sort of skimmed them, and then she noticed a box of chicken in the floor of the car...she (as she said) being in "moron mode" thought, "Oh, FIL must have dropped off some leftovers for us." and she opened the box and broke off a piece of biscuit and popped it in her mouth. Then she looked across the parking lot, and there was her car. She swallowed the bite of biscuit when she saw her car...and panicked....just shut the doors and leave? what if someone saw her? Then she saw a woman coming from the store right toward her...and CW standing there with both the doors open....the woman came up, and CW said, "I thought it was my car." the woman goes, "So I see." CW says, "I ate some of your much for the biscuits?" the woman says, "well, they came with the meal." and CW pulls a dollar out of her pocket and hands it to her, and goes off to her car. I was dying laughing while she was telling it, because I could just imagine the other woman telling HER family about it at their next cookout...."some crazy woman, eating my biscuits and reading my papers!"
Then there was my cousin's story of the time she and her two dd's were going yard selling one morning. She made a large cup of tea to take with them, but didn't have a lid for the cup, and it spilled a little into the tape deck when she pulled out. She got a napkin and tried to dry it, but couldn't get it in far enough, so she put the napkin on the end of a pen and pushed it in, but when she went to pull it out, the lid came off, so she stuck her hand in. And her hand got stuck. She was sitting at a stop sign, and couldn't drive, because it was a stick shift, so she was...well, quite stuck... She put her other hand out the window, and waved the cars behind her on, and she and her little girl pulled and pulled, and they could not get her hand out. A van pulled up behind her, and she told her dd (she was about 7 then) that she would have to go and ask if they had any lotion. The little one went to the window, knocked and said, "Do you have any lotion?" The woman pulled out a HUGE bottle of Vaseline Intensive Care lotion out and handed it to her....she carried it back to my cousin, who got some and slathered it on her hand, which came sliding right out, then the little one carried it back, and said, "Thank you". I was just cracking up, wondering what that woman was thinking..."Suddenly they realized their hands were just TOO DRY to go anywhere."
We had a lot of fun. When it started raining, the kids didn't want to come in. After about 10 minutes of really hard rain, my girls, dripping water appear and ask, "Mom, is it okay if we get wet?" I was like, it's a little late, isn't it? I did ask them to stay in as long as it was lightening, so they took their wet selves upstairs and played until the storm had passed.
They are spending the night up there with mom tonight. They, Kiera and one other little cousin. When I left they hugged me and said, "Bye, Mom, I love you." and the other little cousin did too.


This evening we went to see fireworks down in town. We went first to the place they usually have them, and no one was was deserted, so we thought we must have had the date wrong, and I suggested going out to the post office and checking the mail, so we did that and that's where everyone was. We started watching from the grocery store parking lot, but there were so many people there, and I couldn't stand the thought of trying to get out of the parking lot with that many people, so we left and drove under the fireworks...Daddy and the girls all said that was their favourite part....and found a secluded spot on top of a hill to watch from.

Today, and Flowers

I Just LOVE wild cherry trees. I was watching the sunlight move over this one and liked the shadows and light. Daddy can discuss cutting down any of the other trees in our yard, but he has to stay away from my wild cherries. ; )
Anna made several tombstones for Cody the Goldfish.
Emma chose this one for his grave. : )

Daddy trimmed some limbs from the trees on the property line, and now we have a wonderful view of the mountain.
My catnip is growing and blooming...

as are my tomatoes.
In other words...I went out and wandered around the yard with the camera today. : )

Today's Fascinating Title

We went to Pizza Hut for lunch, with the free pizza card Anna got for her birthday. Emma chose breadsticks, and they each divided their food with the other. Pizza Hut made us a little late for today's reading club meeting.
They learned all about beavers from an interpreter from the local state park.
A Webbed Foot
A Beeved Stick
It's fur was softer than it looked.
The Children's librarian read a story
And they all made s'mores
Anna won a book
And last, but not least, I captured a butterfly.

Today's Photos

THAT's what I have to put up with. They are SO silly.
We did a little shopping this afternoon, then went up in the mountain to pick some berries. A cow got after me, and I didn't get to pick very many. We visited Mom a little while, then came back to Daddy's parent's for a cookout. We bought a few fireworks yesterday, and set them off when his Mother got home tonight. We got to see a wonderful fireworks display, though. We walked up in the pasture behind his parent's house and some of the neighbors were setting off the biggest ones I've ever seen private citizens have. It was probably larger than some small towns have. Dad had a little bit of a hard time getting over the fence since his ankle is still hurt, but he managed. It was really nice, though. Our own private fireworks display.
We saw a hummingbird moth when we went to pick berries...that was really cool.
Hummingbird that not the coolest thing? The girls are looking at little shells....we called them periwinkles when we were kids, I don't know if that's their real name or not. I didn't notice that drink bottle until we looked at the pictures.
Totally Posing...
We had a good day. Anna was unhappy at the last,but she seems happier that it's 12:00 and the day's over...