Ancient pictures... lol That's Daddy and me before we got married....back when I was 17 and he was 21.I loaded up a lot of old pictures for an altered book...then stayed up until 6 this morning working on it. ; ) Daddy got the living room ceiling finished yesterday...it looks SO good! Now we just have to get the trim finished painted and put up wall paper (and hopefully get new carpet) and the living room will look like new. : ) The girls got in a big mess yesterday. Daddy's brother told him he's been letting them play a video game rated M. Given my views on things, that in itself wouldn't have been such a problem, but they LIED about it. I simply cannot stand lying, so they got punished for lying. If they had just played the stupid freakin' game we could have gone on with no problems...maybe a discussion about what's appropriate and what's not, but certainly nothing like what went on. I made them write 100 times "I will not lie to my mother." Not like I expect that to have any good results lol, but maybe it'll help them remember. I'm kind of at a loss for how to punish them. They can't go back up there for a while, and when they do go Daddy will have to go with them, but I just can't think of an actual *punishment* which will help them learn. I've never been punished for lying, I have no idea what to do.
They're good girls, I think...I've always thought so, but now I'm worried that they've been lying about things all along and I just haven't known. Worries me.
I gotta go, though. I've got a pile of blankets to wash that we used to cover the furniture and they got that white lumpy ceiling stuff all over them.
Original date Saturday April 21, 2007
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