We got a new baby today! Well, he's not ours ; ) He's my SIL's sister's. But that puts him in our family, and maybe I can claim to be his aunt. ; ) He's a cutie, isn't he?
We worked on my mom's yard today, for her mother's day present. It looks SO GOOD now!
She had a fence row...all grown up with honeysuckle and posion ivy, trees sprouting...we got it all cleaned out, and the fence down. It looks wonderful. We left the biggest trees, and she's talking about putting a hammock (sp?) between two of them, and a swing between two others.
NOW, all we have to do is contend with the poision ivy. Both girls have it on their legs, and my right arm is itching pretty good. I have Benadryl, though, and we'll make it through.
As one of my cousins said once..."It must be spring...Paige has poision ivy." lol
I wish I had a before picture to show...I know Daddy had one once, but I bet it's on a disk now, and I don't know which one. I'd like to show before and after pics.....it looks so much better. Mom is amazed that she hung on to that old fence for 15 years. ; ) She liked the privacy it gave, but, truthfully, her neighbors on that side are hardly ever home. Plus, there is a hayfield between them...they're not exactly able to look into her windows, anyway. ; )
It extended her yard 12ft. by about 50 ft. Isn't that amazing! We cleaned out the lower fence last year (the garage divides the yard into roughly 1/3 +2/3 sections, we cleaned out the front 1/3 last year, so this year was the 2/3...and it was a lot harder, too. : )
I'm itching now...maybe I should go take the medicine BEFORE it gets unbearable. ; )
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