I went fairy hunting last night. : ) Actually I was reading a blog and she had a link to a site with lots of fairy pictures. Cute, no? : )
Yesterday, Daddy got into a cleaning mood...as a result, my living room, the girl's room, and the kitchen are all nice and clean. : ) I checked my e-mail and when I was through, the house was clean. Lovely.... : )
We went to Mom's for Anna's tutoring session. Mom said the little boy she's tutoring failed another math test. Poor little thing...I'm sorry for him. He's 11, in 4th grade, and he just can't seem to get the hang of multiplication. The class has moved on to division, and he can't get it. I told Daddy if it was my kid I'd let him use a multiplication table and not worry about it...but I don't think the teacher's will let them. Another reason to homeschool. : )
Mom was working on him on his homework, so she gave Anna the same kinds of problems. I believe they were working on place value. Anna told me this morning..."Speaking of right hands, Zachery writes with his left hand." I'm not sure she learned anything besides that yesterday. lol
We didn't stay up there long, but the girls did have time to play with Justus and Oren. I thought it was so funny....all day yesterday, until we got up there, they were saying "I want to go up and play with Justus and Oren." The funny thing is, Justus is 14 and Oren is, I believe, 23. When we were up there Sunday, Oren tossed Anna up in the air and caught her, then swang her around by her hands in a circle. He swung Emma, too, but Anna said he grunted, because she's so heavy. lol She does weigh almost as much as me...maybe he could swing me around like that. lol I remember one of my uncles tossing me like that when I was little. Lots of fun. : ) They impressed the little girls yesterday, by having a jumping contest...jumping over chairs and things until they tried (well, Oren did) jumping over a table amd landed on it and broke it. lol Then they went out front and practiced slam dunks, and when I was ready to leave they were throwing footballs to each other. Mom said, "I'm glad they're getting to play together." Talk about socialization. lol
I'm picking the black jelly beans out of Emma's Easter candy. My kids don't like jelly beans. Daddy's mother got them some...I never buy them because no one will eat them except me. (And I certainly don't need them) lol
We'rer supposed to be going out today, but so far no one has went past the kitchen. : )
It's such a stay-at-home day...but there are appointments to keep...
Yesterday, Daddy got into a cleaning mood...as a result, my living room, the girl's room, and the kitchen are all nice and clean. : ) I checked my e-mail and when I was through, the house was clean. Lovely.... : )
We went to Mom's for Anna's tutoring session. Mom said the little boy she's tutoring failed another math test. Poor little thing...I'm sorry for him. He's 11, in 4th grade, and he just can't seem to get the hang of multiplication. The class has moved on to division, and he can't get it. I told Daddy if it was my kid I'd let him use a multiplication table and not worry about it...but I don't think the teacher's will let them. Another reason to homeschool. : )
Mom was working on him on his homework, so she gave Anna the same kinds of problems. I believe they were working on place value. Anna told me this morning..."Speaking of right hands, Zachery writes with his left hand." I'm not sure she learned anything besides that yesterday. lol
We didn't stay up there long, but the girls did have time to play with Justus and Oren. I thought it was so funny....all day yesterday, until we got up there, they were saying "I want to go up and play with Justus and Oren." The funny thing is, Justus is 14 and Oren is, I believe, 23. When we were up there Sunday, Oren tossed Anna up in the air and caught her, then swang her around by her hands in a circle. He swung Emma, too, but Anna said he grunted, because she's so heavy. lol She does weigh almost as much as me...maybe he could swing me around like that. lol I remember one of my uncles tossing me like that when I was little. Lots of fun. : ) They impressed the little girls yesterday, by having a jumping contest...jumping over chairs and things until they tried (well, Oren did) jumping over a table amd landed on it and broke it. lol Then they went out front and practiced slam dunks, and when I was ready to leave they were throwing footballs to each other. Mom said, "I'm glad they're getting to play together." Talk about socialization. lol
I'm picking the black jelly beans out of Emma's Easter candy. My kids don't like jelly beans. Daddy's mother got them some...I never buy them because no one will eat them except me. (And I certainly don't need them) lol
We'rer supposed to be going out today, but so far no one has went past the kitchen. : )
It's such a stay-at-home day...but there are appointments to keep...
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