Usually I get up at a little before 9:00...yesterday, I woke up at 7:45 or so, and got up, becuase I couldn't get back to sleep, then this morning I was up before 6:30. It probably has something to do with hormones or something, but I wish they'd decide what they're doing, so I can get back on schedule....usually, when I get up early I end up taking a nap later. I'd rather sleep while it's still dark outside, rather than when it's day and I have things to do.
The sun's up now, and the wind is blowing. It's cloudy and looks like it might rain.
One more quick thing (I'm typing over a cat, and she's twitching her tail to let me know I'd better move the keyboard FAST!) I got the girl's Easter baskets done last night! They look SSSOOO GOOD! We went to Wal-mart yesterday, and they were exclaiming over the ones there, but I pointed out (just HAD to, you know) that it was a cheap dollar-store toy, and about a dollar's worth of candy. (Thankfully, they were looking at one of the cheap ones.) Then, also, they had seen my neice's and nephew's baskets hidden at mom's, and they were slightly covetous. ; ) SO, I made up the best baskets possible...if I can find the camera I'll try to get pics. They ended up costing around $8 each, but they're SO much better than the store-bought ones...for instance, I use candy as filler in the bottom, instead of that plastic grass stuff. Plus, I can personalize them.
Okay, enough is enough...cats twitching... ; )
original date Wednesday April 4, 2007
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