I was going to put a picture of Luke here, but this one struck my fancy more...this goes on a LOT around here...you can't leave an unattended cup anywhere. If they don't drink it they turn it over.
Last week Daddy or one of the girls left a cup on his drafting table. Max wanted my chair, so he walked up on the table, turned the cup over, and when I got up to clean it up, he took my chair.
We have four house cats. In order of when we got them: Max, Luc, Miss Pretty Kitty, and Tiger. I have pictures in my yahoo picture thing. The only thing about those pictures is that I played with them, and turned Luke's eyes blue...IRL they are yellow.
Max was the offspring of a stray I picked up. I gave her to my mom, and kept him. We also kept one of his sisters, but she disappeared. They were outside cats then.
Luc was the offspring of a stray that decided my front porch was the best place in the world to have kittens. She had them, then left as soon as they could eat solid food. He had a little brother who died not long after...I don't think he was quite ready to be weaned.
Miss Pretty Kitty showed up at our back door one day. She is so quiet and lady-like, and so pretty. I usually don't like calico cats, but I just fell in love with her. I think it's her face...it's so small and sweet. I gave Daddy a few weeks to get used to her, then suggested that she would get run over if we left her outside...and couldn't she come in? He relented...he always does eventually...and she moved inside. She is polydactyl...that is, she has extra toes. I have to keep a close watch on her nails, or they will curve in and poke her feet. I'm considering having her declawed on one of them, because it's almost impossible to clip...I haven't had the nerve yet, though. Her place is in front of the heater all during winter. She doesn't get along with Luc. I haven't figured out if he picks on her, or if she just doesn't like him. They fight everytime they get a chance. Silly things.
Tiger is our latest one. A stray had kittens at my MIL's and of course one came to live with us. Daddy liked Tiger best, so she's the one we got. We used to have a picture of several of them...they were very pretty kittens. She's kind of a teenager now, all legs and tail. lol She gets along great with all the other cats. Even Max will play with her sometimes.
Max is about 7 years old....maybe 8. Luc is somewhere about 4. He was born on the same day as a little fellow at church, so I can usually keep up with it...just ask slyly.."How old is your son now?" lol Missy is a mystery. She was full grown when she came, and hasn't changed a bit since we got her. I assume she's somewhere aound 5 or 6. Tiger is about 2 now.
Missy did the funniest thing this morning. I got up at 7 to put a ham in to cook for lunch, and when I came in out of the kitchen, she can over to Daddy's chair and meowed. I told him she told on him...he's been getting up about 7 and eating, and sharing. lol
Just in case anyone wonders...my cats are my babies; that's why I seem so fawning about them. I like my cats. : )
Original date March 18, 2007
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