He grabbed a chocolate candy someone left in the floor. I'm not sure how chocolate would affect him, so I went after him, and he went under Daddy's chair...Daddy was watching a movie...and I ran over and yelled "He's got candy! Lift up the chair!" Poor Daddy had to jump up and pick up the chair so I could get at him. I took the candy away, and then found an M&M...don't want him to get that, either, so I then did an overview of the whole floor...maybe I should vaccuum more often?
Max got after him and swatted him..not unusual for Max, but still I don't want him to get it in his mind he's prey, so I tried to catch Max and put him in my bedroom, he did NOT want to go, and hid under a table where I couldn't reach him. Daddy got some lunch, and he (Max) came out to see what he had, so I grabbed him then.
After about 10 minutes, though, Tiger woke up. I've never left her out when the weasel was out, so I'm still not sure how she reacts to him. Before we brought her in she was a really good hunter, though, so I don't trust her with him. The girls were supposed to be watching her (she was asleep in a shelf in their room), but they didn't see her come out. (They gave as their excuse that she was camoflagued (my word, the spelling!) ) When she got after him, Missy did, too, and I was trying to catch both of them, Anna caught Tiger and went to put her in my room, and when she opened the door, Max came out. So now I had Max and Missy trying to catch them...it was easier just to catch the weasel and put him away.
"The Weasel" is his nickname...refering to his *weasel war dance*, which we find most entertaining. His real name is Mikko, like the raccoon on Pocohontas. We've had him since...um...2002, I think. We went to visit my sister's in-laws, and her SIL gave him to us. They lived in Minn. at the time, so THAT was a trip home to remember...19 hours with a smelly weasel in the back of the van. Mom still hasn't forgotten it. When we got home with him I was showing my neices and nephew, and my nephew hugged him, then jerked away and yelled, "He REEKS!". A pretty fair statement. He did indeed, reek. He still does. We're used to it now, and don't really notice it, but I bet other people who come to visit do. We don't get many visitors...maybe that's why. ; )
original date Friday March 16, 2007
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