Daddy's gone with the girls right now, we read about a huge flock of turkey buzzards roosting near a lake, so they've gone to the lake to do some bird-watching. I was going to go, but had to get him to bring me home, because of a stupid stomach-ache. I can't WAIT until sick-season is over!
original date
Friday February 23, 2007
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Entry for February 23, 2007
Daddy and the girls got back from seeing the buzzards. They said they saw 111. That's a LOT of buzzards! Daddy filmed...I haven't seen the video yet, but as soon as he gets it uploaded and makes me a couple stills from it, I'll put them here.
I was so inspired with my pic of the girls, I played with several other pictures...all my cats, and several flower photos. Most of the photos of my kids, I didn't mess with, because I think they look perfect the way they are. ; )
I had supper ready when they got home, and the girls have played Barbies ever since they finished eating...well, assuming they ate. Dd2's plate didn't look like more than a couple bites gone, but she'll eat if she's hungry. It's 9:00....I bet she's about to get hungry...I'm getting off the computer and going to fix something.
original date February 23, 2007
I was so inspired with my pic of the girls, I played with several other pictures...all my cats, and several flower photos. Most of the photos of my kids, I didn't mess with, because I think they look perfect the way they are. ; )
I had supper ready when they got home, and the girls have played Barbies ever since they finished eating...well, assuming they ate. Dd2's plate didn't look like more than a couple bites gone, but she'll eat if she's hungry. It's 9:00....I bet she's about to get hungry...I'm getting off the computer and going to fix something.
original date February 23, 2007
Ohhh, I'm Tired and Sore!
Daddy got the big idea that today would be a good day to coat the roof with the fibered roof coating we've had sitting around for about 5 years. Since he can't get one the roof (it won't hold him), I'm the one who gets that fun part of the job. He got to stand on scaffolding and reach up with a looonnnggg handled brush, while I got to hang onto the edge of the roof and try not to fall while brushing on coating. The awfullest thing happened...when I went to start, I just stuck on something quick...a full skirt and one of dad's old t-shirts, I can't get to most of my old clothes...LONG story there, too, but not right I didn't have much to choose from. I didn't put on anything under the skirt, because, well, I didn't want to ruin more clothes with the coating than I had to. Anyway....*something* got caught in a crack in the tin. I was sitting on it the ridge pole?....the pointy center part, anyway...and had just gotten the bucket of coating pulled up to me, and started scooting across to where I was working, when it caught. I'll leave it to your imagination WHAT got caught. Okay, now here I am, sitting on the roof, holding the bucket of coating, can't let it go or it will fall, laughing my head off and crying at the same time...laughing because I'm thinking of how silly it is, and what if we have to call the fire dept. to get me loose lol, and crying because it HURT! Daddy finally came up far enough to reach the bucket, and I was able to loose myself without calling anyone. lol I went straight inside and put on a pair of sweatpants....never mind that they were my best, newest pair....better them than me. I FINALLY got finished. Well, we have half the front finished. Daddy is wanting to finish tomorrow, but it's supposed to rain Friday, so he won't be able to, because it's supposed to dry for at least 24 hours before rain. I *hope* it's going to rain. ; ) I'm too sore to work more. Right now, anyway. Maybe next week sometime.
Ohh, my back hurts!
original date March 7, 2007
Ohh, my back hurts!
original date March 7, 2007
Hard Times in Paradise

original date Friday March 9, 2007
Used Book Sale!

original date
Friday March 9, 2007
Things Which Have Been Going On

You can see the black eye a little better in this picture...not to mention that no one has picked up the junk in the floor before taking it. Oh's a kind of lived-in look, I guess.
The eye got blacker and blacker...looked really good at Sunday School! My Mom asked Anna if she hated having a black eye, and she said no, she liked it. I think she likes the attention. It's almost gone now, though.
It has been BEAUTIFUL outside lately! Sunday after church we went to the park, then up to my Mom's, because she had 2 of my neices, and the girls wanted to play. Yesterday Daddy and I spent all day working in the yard outside. I did laundry and hung it out, and he worked on a storage building.
I also got some work done on my flower beds...oh, they look SO good! I'm lining them with round river rocks behind, it just helps them look *finished*. I grubbed out the last of my compost and filled them. I got the feeling that a compost pile might be a grown-ups version of a kids sandbox. I had a good time playing in it. : ) Now that it's emptied, though, I can let the other one finish and start layering in this side. I moved rabbit droppings and hay into the side that needs to finish. I have another wheelborrow load (of rabbit droppings and hay) to move, but I'm going to put it straight on my garden and till it in.
I really need to get to's already 12:41, and I haven't even gotten dressed today.
original date Tuesday March 13, 2007
Oh, I don't feel well,
but HOW much I've accomplished!
I *finally* got the rabbit hutches cleaned out. My pitchfork handle came off and Daddy had to fix it. He worked inside all day yesterday, and didn't get to it until today, but now it's all fixed and the rabbit stuff is on the garden and mixed in. Now, I just need to get out and get some seeds and get them in the ground....
Yesterday we decluttered all day. Daddy has worked on it more today, outside in his storage building, mostly. I got *some* decluttering done. There is still SO MUCH I need to get rid of. I haven't been able to work in my storage building yet, because there's been mice in there, and I can't stand it. I have to wait for a hot sunny day, where I don't have ANYTHING else to do and just drop everything in there in disenfectant as it comes out. I *really* dread doing poor kids, though, most of their toys are in there and they can't get at them because I'm so nutty. It's a OCD kind of thing. Really, I think I'm better than I used to be, though. It gives me hope. : )
I started dieting today. I REALLY, REALLY want to loose this "baby fat". It's been almost 7 years since I had the's time. lol I've watched what I ate, and exercised this morning, so far so good. I did try something I'm NOT going to try again. The last time I lost baby weight I used cayenne pepper pills to help rev up my metabolism. I thought I'd do it again, and I took one yesterday and one today, but my gosh, NEVER again! I don't know if I've got an ulcer or just if my stomach can't take it, but I'm going to have to get rid of them. Since I'm over 30 now I'm afraid it will be harder to lose weight....I was only 23 last time I lost weight. It came off so easy...30 lbs in 2 months, and I didn't gain it back until I got pregnant. This time I really could stand to loose 40 lbs...I've not taken care of myself like I should... Hopefully once it's off I'll be able to keep it off easily...good genes and all that, you know. Really, if I just took better care of myself I think it would be easy to loose weight. Stopping for ice cream FEELS like your'e being good to yourself, though. ; ) lol I'm going to have to do it, my back hurts again. That's really the most important reason I lost weight the first addition to the good genes in maintaining reasonable weights, there's also weak backs in my family. A bad back is one thing I DO NOT want. When I got my epidural with Anna they damaged nerves or something in my back, and I've had problems with it ever since. When I get heavier it hurts worse...can't really blame it, though... : )
original date
Wednesday March 14, 2007
I *finally* got the rabbit hutches cleaned out. My pitchfork handle came off and Daddy had to fix it. He worked inside all day yesterday, and didn't get to it until today, but now it's all fixed and the rabbit stuff is on the garden and mixed in. Now, I just need to get out and get some seeds and get them in the ground....
Yesterday we decluttered all day. Daddy has worked on it more today, outside in his storage building, mostly. I got *some* decluttering done. There is still SO MUCH I need to get rid of. I haven't been able to work in my storage building yet, because there's been mice in there, and I can't stand it. I have to wait for a hot sunny day, where I don't have ANYTHING else to do and just drop everything in there in disenfectant as it comes out. I *really* dread doing poor kids, though, most of their toys are in there and they can't get at them because I'm so nutty. It's a OCD kind of thing. Really, I think I'm better than I used to be, though. It gives me hope. : )
I started dieting today. I REALLY, REALLY want to loose this "baby fat". It's been almost 7 years since I had the's time. lol I've watched what I ate, and exercised this morning, so far so good. I did try something I'm NOT going to try again. The last time I lost baby weight I used cayenne pepper pills to help rev up my metabolism. I thought I'd do it again, and I took one yesterday and one today, but my gosh, NEVER again! I don't know if I've got an ulcer or just if my stomach can't take it, but I'm going to have to get rid of them. Since I'm over 30 now I'm afraid it will be harder to lose weight....I was only 23 last time I lost weight. It came off so easy...30 lbs in 2 months, and I didn't gain it back until I got pregnant. This time I really could stand to loose 40 lbs...I've not taken care of myself like I should... Hopefully once it's off I'll be able to keep it off easily...good genes and all that, you know. Really, if I just took better care of myself I think it would be easy to loose weight. Stopping for ice cream FEELS like your'e being good to yourself, though. ; ) lol I'm going to have to do it, my back hurts again. That's really the most important reason I lost weight the first addition to the good genes in maintaining reasonable weights, there's also weak backs in my family. A bad back is one thing I DO NOT want. When I got my epidural with Anna they damaged nerves or something in my back, and I've had problems with it ever since. When I get heavier it hurts worse...can't really blame it, though... : )
original date
Wednesday March 14, 2007

I tried to find a picture that would speak what I wanted it to, but couldn't. This one is of my girls after winning trophies for reading the most books during the library's summer reading program. They read a LOT. It's a very painless thing for us to write down the books they read and get prizes for them. lol
Since I read so much on the unschooling groups about reading worries and similar thoughts, I think about it a lot, too. I think if I didn't read so many peoples thoughts on "schoolish things" I wouldn't think about them nearly as much. I have thought about leaving some groups which are for *beginning* unschooling, but I still get some food for thought, so I stay. Anyway...
This morning...without any coercion...Anna sat next to me and read, for about half an hour. We put up a bird feeder and she's interested in the kinds of birds we get, and last week we picked up a new identification guide. She looked through it, read the birds' names and descriptions, some to herself, some she shared with me. It made me think about reading...some people wouldn't consider what she was doing "reading". I don't get that. Reading is reading...regardless of WHAT you're reading.
There was a study done about a year ago which said that...ummmm I forget the exact numbers...I'll make some up...
Anyway, it said something like more than fifty percent of people don't read anymore. However *reading* was defined by the study as "reading fiction for pleasure"...or some such nonsense. I read. Just ask my But, according to their study (which didn't count me, btw) I am a non-reader, because I read non-fiction mostly. I started a program this year...well, not a program, just an idea...reading a book a week, for a total of 52 books by the year's end. I'm making an effort to read non-fiction, and also to read books which I haven't read before. The non-fiction part isn't going so well...but I think I've only read one book so far which I have read before, and that one I barely remembered.
But back to my subject. I read the newspaper every day. I read the news online. I read biographies...I am huge into history. I read homeschooling books. I read education books. I read books of trivia facts. I read books of famous quotations. I read poetry. Sometimes I even read poetry aloud to my family. I read magazines...lots and lots of magazines...Martha Stewart Living, Oprah, Smithsonian, National Geographic, Country Living, Family Circle, Nick, Jr, Family Fun, Civil War Times...gardening magazines, parenting magazines, history magazines, antiques magazines, nature magazines, kid's magazines....I could go on...
I, according to their study, I am a non-reader.
Today I was talking to my sister, and she was mentioning a lady she worked with..."she used to be on the library board, and she thinks it's awful how kids today won't hardly read. She says her grandchildren are always on the internet, never reading anything." I pointed out that it would be almost impossible to do anything online without reading *something*, but she just poo-pooed that..."YOU KNOW what I mean....REAL reading..."
Uh huh...
original date
Sunday March 18, 2007
Unschooling in Action
I'm getting the biggest kick out of watching Anna this morning. So far (and I've only been up for 45 minutes) she's covered Math, Science, Conservation, and Popular Culture. She's a HOOT!
She heard a train coming and climbed up in the window to watch. She counted the cars and (skipping a few) counted 55. "Mom, what's 55+55? I think it's 110." My brain's not working yet, so I said, I don't know right off...I try not to think in the morning... so she got out the calculator and added, and she was right! She said, "It's easy, just add 50 and 50 and you get 100, then 5 and 5 are 10, so 110." Okay, it's just too early for my brain to work like that. lol
Then she added more numbers, first in her head, checking on the calculator to see if she was stuff...
She counted the presidents on the poster we have hanging next to the computer....I guess I should go back and put History in that line-up of *subjects*. ; )
Then she got started in on the stuffed and mounted squirrel we have on the computer desk. After a thorough ckecking over..."I thought squirrels had grey bushy tails?" She began the conservation talk...."How would someone like it if the squirrels shot them and mounted them on a piece of wood? Suppose a deer stalked up on a hunter and shot him? We have to take care of the animals, not kill them and mount them on a piece of wood." By the time she was finished it had turned into a TV show, with Mr. Ed as the narrator!
She's reading as I type this, helping me when I forget something particularly cute she said or did. And correcting my grammer.
But, cute as she is, and as much as she'd like me to keep talking about her, I'm going to go get breakfast.
original date
Thursday March 15, 2007
(Comment from Dawining:
It really is amazing how much math kids pick up on naturally. My son figured out the base 10 thing before I even considered teaching him how to "carry the one" like I was taught in school. I brought my boys to work with me yesterday, and they were able to add concession prices in their heads, helping out the customers. They knew how to count up to make change too. I was so proud they could perform better than most fast food working teens who need the register to tell them how much change to give back!I also have animal lovers in my home. For awhile one son even went vegetarian. I don't know what I'd do without Animal Planet some days!)
She heard a train coming and climbed up in the window to watch. She counted the cars and (skipping a few) counted 55. "Mom, what's 55+55? I think it's 110." My brain's not working yet, so I said, I don't know right off...I try not to think in the morning... so she got out the calculator and added, and she was right! She said, "It's easy, just add 50 and 50 and you get 100, then 5 and 5 are 10, so 110." Okay, it's just too early for my brain to work like that. lol
Then she added more numbers, first in her head, checking on the calculator to see if she was stuff...
She counted the presidents on the poster we have hanging next to the computer....I guess I should go back and put History in that line-up of *subjects*. ; )
Then she got started in on the stuffed and mounted squirrel we have on the computer desk. After a thorough ckecking over..."I thought squirrels had grey bushy tails?" She began the conservation talk...."How would someone like it if the squirrels shot them and mounted them on a piece of wood? Suppose a deer stalked up on a hunter and shot him? We have to take care of the animals, not kill them and mount them on a piece of wood." By the time she was finished it had turned into a TV show, with Mr. Ed as the narrator!
She's reading as I type this, helping me when I forget something particularly cute she said or did. And correcting my grammer.
But, cute as she is, and as much as she'd like me to keep talking about her, I'm going to go get breakfast.
original date
Thursday March 15, 2007
(Comment from Dawining:
It really is amazing how much math kids pick up on naturally. My son figured out the base 10 thing before I even considered teaching him how to "carry the one" like I was taught in school. I brought my boys to work with me yesterday, and they were able to add concession prices in their heads, helping out the customers. They knew how to count up to make change too. I was so proud they could perform better than most fast food working teens who need the register to tell them how much change to give back!I also have animal lovers in my home. For awhile one son even went vegetarian. I don't know what I'd do without Animal Planet some days!)
Still Cleaning...But
getting a LOT done! I went through magazines today. Cutting out pictures I wanted to keep (for collages) and then throwing away the magazines. I actually only read two articles! I'm so proud of myself... ; )
The girls played a Carmen Sandiego's not a where in the world, it's a language game. We went to a program at the library this evening...a Belated Birthday Party for Dr. Seuss. They got cookie cake and ice cream. Plus, they checked out books...Anna wanted Emil books, and Emma found several books...about fairies, George Washington, Garfield....I don't remember the other 2.
We're watching "A Bugs Life" now. That's always fun. ; )
original date Thursday March 15, 2007
The girls played a Carmen Sandiego's not a where in the world, it's a language game. We went to a program at the library this evening...a Belated Birthday Party for Dr. Seuss. They got cookie cake and ice cream. Plus, they checked out books...Anna wanted Emil books, and Emma found several books...about fairies, George Washington, Garfield....I don't remember the other 2.
We're watching "A Bugs Life" now. That's always fun. ; )
original date Thursday March 15, 2007
Weasel on the Loose!

He grabbed a chocolate candy someone left in the floor. I'm not sure how chocolate would affect him, so I went after him, and he went under Daddy's chair...Daddy was watching a movie...and I ran over and yelled "He's got candy! Lift up the chair!" Poor Daddy had to jump up and pick up the chair so I could get at him. I took the candy away, and then found an M&M...don't want him to get that, either, so I then did an overview of the whole floor...maybe I should vaccuum more often?
Max got after him and swatted him..not unusual for Max, but still I don't want him to get it in his mind he's prey, so I tried to catch Max and put him in my bedroom, he did NOT want to go, and hid under a table where I couldn't reach him. Daddy got some lunch, and he (Max) came out to see what he had, so I grabbed him then.
After about 10 minutes, though, Tiger woke up. I've never left her out when the weasel was out, so I'm still not sure how she reacts to him. Before we brought her in she was a really good hunter, though, so I don't trust her with him. The girls were supposed to be watching her (she was asleep in a shelf in their room), but they didn't see her come out. (They gave as their excuse that she was camoflagued (my word, the spelling!) ) When she got after him, Missy did, too, and I was trying to catch both of them, Anna caught Tiger and went to put her in my room, and when she opened the door, Max came out. So now I had Max and Missy trying to catch was easier just to catch the weasel and put him away.
"The Weasel" is his nickname...refering to his *weasel war dance*, which we find most entertaining. His real name is Mikko, like the raccoon on Pocohontas. We've had him, I think. We went to visit my sister's in-laws, and her SIL gave him to us. They lived in Minn. at the time, so THAT was a trip home to remember...19 hours with a smelly weasel in the back of the van. Mom still hasn't forgotten it. When we got home with him I was showing my neices and nephew, and my nephew hugged him, then jerked away and yelled, "He REEKS!". A pretty fair statement. He did indeed, reek. He still does. We're used to it now, and don't really notice it, but I bet other people who come to visit do. We don't get many visitors...maybe that's why. ; )
original date Friday March 16, 2007
I spent a LONG time online last night finding information about my Dad's family. I knew they had been researched, and figured it was just a matter of time until someone posted it online, so I have bided my time, and finally found them.
Talk about INBREEDING!!!
My sister's husband is thrilled...he's always suspected it of us, now he has proof...makes him feel superior or something... lol
I was up until almost 3 a.m. getting everything I needed, and Daddy had already gone to bed. I was excited about finding it, but didn't want to wake him, so I left him a note..."Found out all about the _____'s. Very interesting...Talk about INBREEDING!!!" (Yes, I leave him notes that sound just like what I write here) ; ) This morning Emma had found the note and added her own..."What a FINE heritage!" Everyone's a comedian...
The girls are at Mom's...spending the night if they behave. She has my sister's two girls, and my brother's two girls, too, so six little girls. Should be fun. The last time they all stayed up there together, they stayed up all night, fixed breakfast at 3:00 in the morning, and then cleaned the kitchen until about 7.
I fed them all cupcakes with chocolate frosting and left.
I *might* take Daddy out on a date, while we're child-less. I really ate too much while I was up there, though, and shouldn't eat any more tonight. I'm trying hard to resist temptation. I'd like to go out and get fish...I'm in a fishy mood tonight.
But, I think I'd really rather keep losing weight.
Only time will tell... ; )
original date Saturday March 17, 2007
Talk about INBREEDING!!!
My sister's husband is thrilled...he's always suspected it of us, now he has proof...makes him feel superior or something... lol
I was up until almost 3 a.m. getting everything I needed, and Daddy had already gone to bed. I was excited about finding it, but didn't want to wake him, so I left him a note..."Found out all about the _____'s. Very interesting...Talk about INBREEDING!!!" (Yes, I leave him notes that sound just like what I write here) ; ) This morning Emma had found the note and added her own..."What a FINE heritage!" Everyone's a comedian...
The girls are at Mom's...spending the night if they behave. She has my sister's two girls, and my brother's two girls, too, so six little girls. Should be fun. The last time they all stayed up there together, they stayed up all night, fixed breakfast at 3:00 in the morning, and then cleaned the kitchen until about 7.
I fed them all cupcakes with chocolate frosting and left.
I *might* take Daddy out on a date, while we're child-less. I really ate too much while I was up there, though, and shouldn't eat any more tonight. I'm trying hard to resist temptation. I'd like to go out and get fish...I'm in a fishy mood tonight.
But, I think I'd really rather keep losing weight.
Only time will tell... ; )
original date Saturday March 17, 2007
My Cats

I was going to put a picture of Luke here, but this one struck my fancy more...this goes on a LOT around can't leave an unattended cup anywhere. If they don't drink it they turn it over.
Last week Daddy or one of the girls left a cup on his drafting table. Max wanted my chair, so he walked up on the table, turned the cup over, and when I got up to clean it up, he took my chair.
We have four house cats. In order of when we got them: Max, Luc, Miss Pretty Kitty, and Tiger. I have pictures in my yahoo picture thing. The only thing about those pictures is that I played with them, and turned Luke's eyes blue...IRL they are yellow.
Max was the offspring of a stray I picked up. I gave her to my mom, and kept him. We also kept one of his sisters, but she disappeared. They were outside cats then.
Luc was the offspring of a stray that decided my front porch was the best place in the world to have kittens. She had them, then left as soon as they could eat solid food. He had a little brother who died not long after...I don't think he was quite ready to be weaned.
Miss Pretty Kitty showed up at our back door one day. She is so quiet and lady-like, and so pretty. I usually don't like calico cats, but I just fell in love with her. I think it's her's so small and sweet. I gave Daddy a few weeks to get used to her, then suggested that she would get run over if we left her outside...and couldn't she come in? He relented...he always does eventually...and she moved inside. She is polydactyl...that is, she has extra toes. I have to keep a close watch on her nails, or they will curve in and poke her feet. I'm considering having her declawed on one of them, because it's almost impossible to clip...I haven't had the nerve yet, though. Her place is in front of the heater all during winter. She doesn't get along with Luc. I haven't figured out if he picks on her, or if she just doesn't like him. They fight everytime they get a chance. Silly things.
Tiger is our latest one. A stray had kittens at my MIL's and of course one came to live with us. Daddy liked Tiger best, so she's the one we got. We used to have a picture of several of them...they were very pretty kittens. She's kind of a teenager now, all legs and tail. lol She gets along great with all the other cats. Even Max will play with her sometimes.
Max is about 7 years old....maybe 8. Luc is somewhere about 4. He was born on the same day as a little fellow at church, so I can usually keep up with it...just ask slyly.."How old is your son now?" lol Missy is a mystery. She was full grown when she came, and hasn't changed a bit since we got her. I assume she's somewhere aound 5 or 6. Tiger is about 2 now.
Missy did the funniest thing this morning. I got up at 7 to put a ham in to cook for lunch, and when I came in out of the kitchen, she can over to Daddy's chair and meowed. I told him she told on him...he's been getting up about 7 and eating, and sharing. lol
Just in case anyone cats are my babies; that's why I seem so fawning about them. I like my cats. : )
Original date March 18, 2007
Entry for March 21, 2007
I don't have a picture to go with today...I'll have to get the camera and lurk about with it a little and see what I can uncover. There are "Men in Trees" outside my house...clearing out the power lines. I hear chain saws off in the distance.
I have daffodils almost ready to bloom. They are going to be SO pretty...I'm definately going to get a picture of them.
I'm doing laundry today. Really, my first load is done, and I need to get off the computer and go hang it on the line. This is more fun...
I hate to go outside, because of the men out there. I'm lurking about in my housecoat, and it's warm, and I don't want to get dressed. lol
I have daffodils almost ready to bloom. They are going to be SO pretty...I'm definately going to get a picture of them.
I'm doing laundry today. Really, my first load is done, and I need to get off the computer and go hang it on the line. This is more fun...
I hate to go outside, because of the men out there. I'm lurking about in my housecoat, and it's warm, and I don't want to get dressed. lol
Thursday March 22, 2007
That's where I've been most of the day. I read, and rocked, and when I got tired of rocking, I lay on the porch. It's been SO nice. : )
Daddy and the girls are gone to shoot "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Revenge of the Pygmy". They've been gone most of the day.
And, so, I've been here by myself...and I totally took the day OFF! Well, I did do a *little* laundry, and cooked supper (pizza), but I was hungry myself, so that wasn't too hard, and the washing machine does all the work for the laundry, so that wasn't either...anyway...I took today off-mostly-and had a good time doing it. ; )
I watched the cars and trains go by, and a bicyclist...and the birds around the feeder...and the cats that keep jumping up in the window to watch's been so beautiful out today. Lower 70's, with a slight breeze...ahhh.
I thought about all sorts of deep philosopical, "if I had a notebook out here with me I could write that down", and "gosh, that train whistle hurts my ears, maybe I should get earplugs", and "wouldn't ice cream be good right now?" know, the great questions of the ages.
When I got tired of reading, I went out back and turned the soil in my garden. Daddy is supposed to be bringing me some plants and seeds when he gets back, but I bet he didn't get through shooting until the store was closed. I'll make him go tomorrow. ; )
Just as I was coming back in from turing the soil, the phone rang. It was a annoying little boy who follows Daddy around like a gnat. He asked what Daddy was doing, what the girls have been doing, then what I had been doing today. I was SO tempted to say, "Putting s**t on the garden." But I refrained. I just said reading, and left it at that. There are some matter how much you'd like to say them...which just aren't "social". Tempting, though.
original date Thursday March 22, 2007
Daddy and the girls are gone to shoot "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Revenge of the Pygmy". They've been gone most of the day.
And, so, I've been here by myself...and I totally took the day OFF! Well, I did do a *little* laundry, and cooked supper (pizza), but I was hungry myself, so that wasn't too hard, and the washing machine does all the work for the laundry, so that wasn't either...anyway...I took today off-mostly-and had a good time doing it. ; )
I watched the cars and trains go by, and a bicyclist...and the birds around the feeder...and the cats that keep jumping up in the window to watch's been so beautiful out today. Lower 70's, with a slight breeze...ahhh.
I thought about all sorts of deep philosopical, "if I had a notebook out here with me I could write that down", and "gosh, that train whistle hurts my ears, maybe I should get earplugs", and "wouldn't ice cream be good right now?" know, the great questions of the ages.
When I got tired of reading, I went out back and turned the soil in my garden. Daddy is supposed to be bringing me some plants and seeds when he gets back, but I bet he didn't get through shooting until the store was closed. I'll make him go tomorrow. ; )
Just as I was coming back in from turing the soil, the phone rang. It was a annoying little boy who follows Daddy around like a gnat. He asked what Daddy was doing, what the girls have been doing, then what I had been doing today. I was SO tempted to say, "Putting s**t on the garden." But I refrained. I just said reading, and left it at that. There are some matter how much you'd like to say them...which just aren't "social". Tempting, though.
original date Thursday March 22, 2007
Life...and Death

I started to blog about this the other day, but the picture I had wasn't a jpeg, and I didn't want to get into changing it, so I just cancelled the entry, and went on.
Now I might say something about it.
In the picture is *my* graveyard. Left side, large stone is my grandparents. Beside them, small stone is my grandmother's oldest son, who died at 20 from lukemia, about 20 years before I was born. On the right side at the bottom, without a stone (yet) is my dear brother...he died in 2004. I'm still in denial...his last job was with a moving company and he was gone for months at a time, and when he did come in I didn't always get to see him, because sometimes they were just flying 1 day stops, so I'm pretending he's just on the road. It works, too...everytime someone mentions him dead it catches me by surprise.
At top, right side, with the angel, is my little baby. I'm still crying with the mother who lost her daughter...I won't be able to write anything today about him. Maybe later.
Let me end with this...
Other Mother (I don't even know your name) I am SO SORRY to hear about your loss. I hope you will find the comfort you need.
original date Thursday March 22, 2007
Oh, These Allergies!
I've been cleaning and decluttering again, and my allergies are KILLING me! I hate to take any medicine, so I'm just going to suffer. ; )
We got the girls room cleaned and rearranged today. It looks so much better. I brought in two more shelves...I put one up over the ferret's cage, so they can put their stuff that's just for sitting around up there and it's not taking up space that could be used for books. I was going to try to get rid of some of the books...the early reader ones, books they never look at...but they both said, "No!" whenever I suggested one. Anna finally let me get rid of one...a little board book that's something like "A Bird Can Fly". A small victory. Daddy said they are just like me. lol Packrats all around.
Daddy got his movie finished. It's not "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Revenge of the Ninja" like I thought he was is instead, "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Tummy Trouble". It is SO funny. I wish he'd put it on You Tube, but he's not sure he wants to yet.
original date Friday March 23, 2007
We got the girls room cleaned and rearranged today. It looks so much better. I brought in two more shelves...I put one up over the ferret's cage, so they can put their stuff that's just for sitting around up there and it's not taking up space that could be used for books. I was going to try to get rid of some of the books...the early reader ones, books they never look at...but they both said, "No!" whenever I suggested one. Anna finally let me get rid of one...a little board book that's something like "A Bird Can Fly". A small victory. Daddy said they are just like me. lol Packrats all around.
Daddy got his movie finished. It's not "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Revenge of the Ninja" like I thought he was is instead, "Pygmy Ninjas 2-Tummy Trouble". It is SO funny. I wish he'd put it on You Tube, but he's not sure he wants to yet.
original date Friday March 23, 2007
I Am So TOTALLY Exhausted!

A quick *nice* picture of my flower garden, before I start unloading about my day. lol
Today was a beautiful day, so I had a PILE of work to do.
Mice. Okay, here's how it begins...I am that right? Or is it; I HAVE OCD? Am I it, or do I just have it lurking about me? Anyway...
Mice are the things that bother me most. The sight, the smell, the droppings, the NASTINESS. I get all freaky around mice.
And, on to the story...
I had mice in my closet...and in my storage building.
I couldn't touch anything in either place for the last few months.
Our house is old...1932 or so, and just FULL of cracks for mice to find. Last summer we worked and worked trying to find and cover all the holes, but they still found ways in. They seemed worse this year than any other so far. I think they are coming in at the chimney, but I just can't figure out how to keep them from coming up there. closet is right beside the chimney...guess where the mice went? Actually, *they* were probably one...I really only saw one dropping. Quite amazing what I'll go through for one dropping. lol I took everything out and disenfected it, and washed all my least those I didn't throw away. ; ) Then I disenfected the inside of the, walls, floor, everything. Since I was already mousey I went outside and tackled my storage building. Oh. My. Goodness.
About the storage building...Sometime...last summer or spring, I think... I put the girl's toys out there so they could have it for a playhouse. I warned them that there have been mice in there before, so they needed to keep their toys in the tote boxes. The last time they were in there they left toys all over the place. Guess what got all mousey and icky? SO, I had to go through piles and piles of Barbies and stuffed animals...and I found DEAD MICE under some of them. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!
Talk about a hard day. I am SO tired and sore. Some of the things I have in there in storage are HEAVY! I bet my back will hurt BAD tomorrow. It's starting to hurt now.
I am thinking of a nice warm bath. AHHH....
Okay, that does it...I gotta get off the computer!
Today was a beautiful day, so I had a PILE of work to do.
Mice. Okay, here's how it begins...I am that right? Or is it; I HAVE OCD? Am I it, or do I just have it lurking about me? Anyway...
Mice are the things that bother me most. The sight, the smell, the droppings, the NASTINESS. I get all freaky around mice.
And, on to the story...
I had mice in my closet...and in my storage building.
I couldn't touch anything in either place for the last few months.
Our house is old...1932 or so, and just FULL of cracks for mice to find. Last summer we worked and worked trying to find and cover all the holes, but they still found ways in. They seemed worse this year than any other so far. I think they are coming in at the chimney, but I just can't figure out how to keep them from coming up there. closet is right beside the chimney...guess where the mice went? Actually, *they* were probably one...I really only saw one dropping. Quite amazing what I'll go through for one dropping. lol I took everything out and disenfected it, and washed all my least those I didn't throw away. ; ) Then I disenfected the inside of the, walls, floor, everything. Since I was already mousey I went outside and tackled my storage building. Oh. My. Goodness.
About the storage building...Sometime...last summer or spring, I think... I put the girl's toys out there so they could have it for a playhouse. I warned them that there have been mice in there before, so they needed to keep their toys in the tote boxes. The last time they were in there they left toys all over the place. Guess what got all mousey and icky? SO, I had to go through piles and piles of Barbies and stuffed animals...and I found DEAD MICE under some of them. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!
Talk about a hard day. I am SO tired and sore. Some of the things I have in there in storage are HEAVY! I bet my back will hurt BAD tomorrow. It's starting to hurt now.
I am thinking of a nice warm bath. AHHH....
Okay, that does it...I gotta get off the computer!
original date Monday March 26, 2007
spring flowers

I use the word *my* loosely...the daffodils were here when I moved in. I have certainly adopted them, though.
Every summer Daddy looks back in that corner and says, "There's nothing there, I could put up a buiding." I have to keep reminding him there IS something just can't see it right then.
Every summer Daddy looks back in that corner and says, "There's nothing there, I could put up a buiding." I have to keep reminding him there IS something just can't see it right then.
MORE Cleaning!
original date Tuesday March 27, 2007
I started putting away all my laundry from yesterday, and got into getting out summer clothes and getting rid of more stuff...I filled three more trash bags with clothes to go to the thrift store, and one bag of garbage! It's really amazing what I put in storage last fall. lol
I got all my clothes put back in the closet...that in itself is amazing, because they haven't *all* fit in there since we first moved in. I am thinking I might go back in there and look for some more things to get rid of. It's so freeing to get rid of things. The house looks so much cleaner not having as many things in it.
I still need to go through my catalogs. I have them in files, and when I put a new one in, I'm *supposed* to take out the old one. Instead I'm usually too busy and just stick the new one in, and the file drawer is so heavy now it's hard to open.
I don't think I'll work any more tonight, though. It's almost time for bed and I still have to do the dishes.
I started putting away all my laundry from yesterday, and got into getting out summer clothes and getting rid of more stuff...I filled three more trash bags with clothes to go to the thrift store, and one bag of garbage! It's really amazing what I put in storage last fall. lol
I got all my clothes put back in the closet...that in itself is amazing, because they haven't *all* fit in there since we first moved in. I am thinking I might go back in there and look for some more things to get rid of. It's so freeing to get rid of things. The house looks so much cleaner not having as many things in it.
I still need to go through my catalogs. I have them in files, and when I put a new one in, I'm *supposed* to take out the old one. Instead I'm usually too busy and just stick the new one in, and the file drawer is so heavy now it's hard to open.
I don't think I'll work any more tonight, though. It's almost time for bed and I still have to do the dishes.
Ahhh, A Beautiful Day!
I am going to HAVE to take the camera out and get some pictures to put here. Today was such a beautiful day.
I didn't have a lot to do, either. I did some laundry and cleaned the cats litter boxes and made a banana pudding. (Not all at once!)
In the evening we had a wonderful thunderstorm. I was cheering it on...rain means I don't have to water my garden. ; )
When the wind blew hard right before the storm we saw the coolest thing. We could see the pollen blowing off the trees on the mountain! It was great clouds of it, blowing in the a science lesson IRL. lol I've never seen anything like that before. I would've loved to get a picture, but I know it wouldn't have taken from that distance. It was really cool, though.
original date Wednesday March 28, 2007
I didn't have a lot to do, either. I did some laundry and cleaned the cats litter boxes and made a banana pudding. (Not all at once!)
In the evening we had a wonderful thunderstorm. I was cheering it on...rain means I don't have to water my garden. ; )
When the wind blew hard right before the storm we saw the coolest thing. We could see the pollen blowing off the trees on the mountain! It was great clouds of it, blowing in the a science lesson IRL. lol I've never seen anything like that before. I would've loved to get a picture, but I know it wouldn't have taken from that distance. It was really cool, though.
original date Wednesday March 28, 2007
I'm Losing Brain Cells!
original date Thursday March 29, 2007
Yesterday morning I got in the shower, turned on the water and waited for it to get warm. I waited and waited, and finally said (outloud) "WHY isn't it getting warm?" Then it hit me...I had only turned the cold on!
I think talking to yourself AND forgetting how to turn on the shower both qualify for going nuts! lol
Yesterday morning I got in the shower, turned on the water and waited for it to get warm. I waited and waited, and finally said (outloud) "WHY isn't it getting warm?" Then it hit me...I had only turned the cold on!
I think talking to yourself AND forgetting how to turn on the shower both qualify for going nuts! lol
Our water heater broke. Now, even if I remembered to turn on the hot water when I get in the shower, I won't get any hot. Whatever. Daddy "says" he's going to fix it today. We'll see. Sometimes his *days*end up being weeks. Hopefully it won't this time, because I REALLY like hot water on demand. Last night washing the dishes was REALLY a chore...because I had to heat water on the stove to do it. Before we moved here, we didn't have a hot water heater at all, and I had to heat water like that all the time. I don't remember it being such a chore as it is now....maybe because I was younger.
On a happier note, tomorrow is our anniversary! Thirteen years. Seems like longer sometimes. It seems like I've known Daddy forever.
I need to go get a load of laundry started and get the girls up. Maybe I'll wait until 10:00, though. : )
original date Friday March 30, 2007
On a happier note, tomorrow is our anniversary! Thirteen years. Seems like longer sometimes. It seems like I've known Daddy forever.
I need to go get a load of laundry started and get the girls up. Maybe I'll wait until 10:00, though. : )
original date Friday March 30, 2007
Oh, Yeah!
Daddy REALLY did get the water heater fixed! Yea, Yea,Yea!!! He also replaced the washers on the shower, so that's all good now...yea, yea, yea!!! I'll have to be sure to fix a special supper for him tonight! Actually, I've got a blackberry cobbler in the oven now. He likes cobbler. ; )
This is what I was thinking while I was making it...
1 c. flour
1 c. sugar
1 c. milk
1 egg
Spread butter in the bottom of the pan. Put 2 c. fruit (canned, fresh, or frozen) on top of it (if it's fresh *or frozen without syrup*, sprinkle with sugar) Mix other ingredients and pour over fruit.
Bake at 400 for about 30 minutes.
#My thoughts#
HOW on earth do people teach their kids fractions while cooking? All my recipes are like this...straight cups...every once in a while, a half cup. Maybe I should branch out more in my cooking. LOL!
My kids are eating smores and watching tv right now. If they're happy, I'm happy. ; )
In another thought...since they only had one candy bar and one graham cracker, they MUST have worked with SOME sort of fractions. lol!!!
original date Friday March 30, 2007
This is what I was thinking while I was making it...
1 c. flour
1 c. sugar
1 c. milk
1 egg
Spread butter in the bottom of the pan. Put 2 c. fruit (canned, fresh, or frozen) on top of it (if it's fresh *or frozen without syrup*, sprinkle with sugar) Mix other ingredients and pour over fruit.
Bake at 400 for about 30 minutes.
#My thoughts#
HOW on earth do people teach their kids fractions while cooking? All my recipes are like this...straight cups...every once in a while, a half cup. Maybe I should branch out more in my cooking. LOL!
My kids are eating smores and watching tv right now. If they're happy, I'm happy. ; )
In another thought...since they only had one candy bar and one graham cracker, they MUST have worked with SOME sort of fractions. lol!!!
original date Friday March 30, 2007
Spaghetti and Meatballs
I made the BEST meatballs for supper tonight. The best I've ever made.
Daddy asked for gravy, biscuit and bacon. After I had the bacon all cooked up, and the biscuits mixed up, I realized I didn't have any baking powder. SO, they all turned into spaghetti and meatballs. With bacon on the side. ; )
I've done laundry today...laundry, and more decluttering. I've almost gone through every box and bag and barrel I have. I still have two under-bed boxes I haven't gotten to yet, because Daddy has so much stuff under there in front of them. I've gotten rid of things I would have never believed I could or would. I am getting rid of *anything* I think someone else would buy at the thrift store I'm taking it all to. Some few things I am keeping, just because I'm pretty sure no one else would buy them. So, I keep a few things...; )
original date Friday March 30, 2007
Daddy asked for gravy, biscuit and bacon. After I had the bacon all cooked up, and the biscuits mixed up, I realized I didn't have any baking powder. SO, they all turned into spaghetti and meatballs. With bacon on the side. ; )
I've done laundry today...laundry, and more decluttering. I've almost gone through every box and bag and barrel I have. I still have two under-bed boxes I haven't gotten to yet, because Daddy has so much stuff under there in front of them. I've gotten rid of things I would have never believed I could or would. I am getting rid of *anything* I think someone else would buy at the thrift store I'm taking it all to. Some few things I am keeping, just because I'm pretty sure no one else would buy them. So, I keep a few things...; )
original date Friday March 30, 2007
Happyy Anniversary to Me! (And Daddy!)
Daddy got up in the night and put out his gift for me...a truffle candy bar, round truffles, and those Hershey's dark pieces with the berries and things in them. Uuummm! He also wrote me a letter. He's so sweet. ; )
I left his for him before I went to bed. Candy, letter, and a balloon. He ate some of his candy while he was up writing my letter.
I'm not sure what we've got planned for today. There was talk of leaving the girls with my mom and going out to eat, but I don't know if that's still on or not.
You know what tomorrow is, don't you? April Fools Day. I like to tell him we should have waited a day before we got married, then every time I got mad at him, I could say when I said, "I do" was an April Fool's joke. lol
I think it was a Thursday when we got married. He was in a training program in SC, and called me the night before and said, "If you can find a preacher, I'll marry you when I get back tomorrow night." So I scouted around and found a very nice preacher who would come up to my mom's house at about 10:30 at night and preform a ceremony. Once I had the preacher lined up, I went to Pizza Hut with my cousin and ate Garlic Bread. lol No big wedding, no bunches of people, just my mom and dad, my sister and brother, and her two kids, and my cousin. My brother and oldest nephew were about 2, and the other nephew was almost 7 months, so just 4 adults, besides us and the preacher. lol Short, sweet and to the point. Daddy says he always wanted a big(er) wedding, but I'm glad we did it like we did. I don't like big productions. ; )
His parents weren't too keen on the idea, so he didn't actually tell them. We came down and told them the next day. His mom eventually got over it...we presented her with a granddaughter named after her mother. If you're going to steal someone's son, you might as well give them something in return. ; )
Daddy's up now, and we need to get to celebrating, so I'm gone. ; )
original date Saturday March 31, 2007
I left his for him before I went to bed. Candy, letter, and a balloon. He ate some of his candy while he was up writing my letter.
I'm not sure what we've got planned for today. There was talk of leaving the girls with my mom and going out to eat, but I don't know if that's still on or not.
You know what tomorrow is, don't you? April Fools Day. I like to tell him we should have waited a day before we got married, then every time I got mad at him, I could say when I said, "I do" was an April Fool's joke. lol
I think it was a Thursday when we got married. He was in a training program in SC, and called me the night before and said, "If you can find a preacher, I'll marry you when I get back tomorrow night." So I scouted around and found a very nice preacher who would come up to my mom's house at about 10:30 at night and preform a ceremony. Once I had the preacher lined up, I went to Pizza Hut with my cousin and ate Garlic Bread. lol No big wedding, no bunches of people, just my mom and dad, my sister and brother, and her two kids, and my cousin. My brother and oldest nephew were about 2, and the other nephew was almost 7 months, so just 4 adults, besides us and the preacher. lol Short, sweet and to the point. Daddy says he always wanted a big(er) wedding, but I'm glad we did it like we did. I don't like big productions. ; )
His parents weren't too keen on the idea, so he didn't actually tell them. We came down and told them the next day. His mom eventually got over it...we presented her with a granddaughter named after her mother. If you're going to steal someone's son, you might as well give them something in return. ; )
Daddy's up now, and we need to get to celebrating, so I'm gone. ; )
original date Saturday March 31, 2007
I have tried twice already to blog about my anniversary, and it didn't go through either time.
I have tried twice already to blog about my anniversary, and it didn't go through either time.
I'll try once more.
We took the girls to Mom's and went out to eat at a *fancy* (for us) resturant. We spent $58 on the meal. That's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on food for two people. We could've taken the girls and went two or three times to our usual resturant.
When we left the resturant, we went to the mall. I picked up some baby things for a cousin who was having a baby shower, and we did some window shopping. I was specifically looking for Emma an Easter dress. I couldn't find anything in the whole mall. I'm not sure where I'm going to look next.
We stopped by the grocery store and the church on the way home, then went to the baby shower and dropped off the present. After that, we went up to Mom's to get the girls, so she could go to the shower. We stopped by our *usual*--favourite--resturant for supper. Their food is always GOOD! I was still quite full from lunch, so I didn't eat much. I'll want to go back later in the week, when I'm hungrier. lol
original date Sunday April 1, 2007
I'll try once more.
We took the girls to Mom's and went out to eat at a *fancy* (for us) resturant. We spent $58 on the meal. That's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on food for two people. We could've taken the girls and went two or three times to our usual resturant.
When we left the resturant, we went to the mall. I picked up some baby things for a cousin who was having a baby shower, and we did some window shopping. I was specifically looking for Emma an Easter dress. I couldn't find anything in the whole mall. I'm not sure where I'm going to look next.
We stopped by the grocery store and the church on the way home, then went to the baby shower and dropped off the present. After that, we went up to Mom's to get the girls, so she could go to the shower. We stopped by our *usual*--favourite--resturant for supper. Their food is always GOOD! I was still quite full from lunch, so I didn't eat much. I'll want to go back later in the week, when I'm hungrier. lol
original date Sunday April 1, 2007
Thursday April 5, 2007

Usually I get up at a little before 9:00...yesterday, I woke up at 7:45 or so, and got up, becuase I couldn't get back to sleep, then this morning I was up before 6:30. It probably has something to do with hormones or something, but I wish they'd decide what they're doing, so I can get back on schedule....usually, when I get up early I end up taking a nap later. I'd rather sleep while it's still dark outside, rather than when it's day and I have things to do.
The sun's up now, and the wind is blowing. It's cloudy and looks like it might rain.
One more quick thing (I'm typing over a cat, and she's twitching her tail to let me know I'd better move the keyboard FAST!) I got the girl's Easter baskets done last night! They look SSSOOO GOOD! We went to Wal-mart yesterday, and they were exclaiming over the ones there, but I pointed out (just HAD to, you know) that it was a cheap dollar-store toy, and about a dollar's worth of candy. (Thankfully, they were looking at one of the cheap ones.) Then, also, they had seen my neice's and nephew's baskets hidden at mom's, and they were slightly covetous. ; ) SO, I made up the best baskets possible...if I can find the camera I'll try to get pics. They ended up costing around $8 each, but they're SO much better than the store-bought ones...for instance, I use candy as filler in the bottom, instead of that plastic grass stuff. Plus, I can personalize them.
Okay, enough is enough...cats twitching... ; )
original date Wednesday April 4, 2007
My eyes
I am SO brilliant! just let me tell you the story.
Tuesday, we were going to go out shopping. I got dressed and started to put in my contacts. The right one was fine, but the left one hurt, like there was something behind it. I took it out and cleaned it, then tried again. Still hurt. So I cleaned it again. Still hurt. So, I did what any smart, reasonable person would have done...I just wore my glasses. NOT! I put it in, anyway, and wore it hurting. We didn't get home until about 5, and I was in dreadful pain, but I still didn't take it out until about 8.
Wednesday I got up early to run out to the laundrymat and post office quickly. I put in my contacts. The right one was fine...the left one...was...painful! I did what any normal, smart, reasonable person would do, I took it out and wore my glasses...I wish. Instead, I did what any vain, stupid person would do...I wore it anyway. It hurt terribly, but I thought I would take it out when I got home. When I DID get home, Mom had called and said she was taking my brother's kids to the park, and did we want to meet them there? Of course we did, so we went down there...and saw a really cute snapping turtle in the creek (teeney tiny, about as big as the bottom of a 1 c. measuring cup, total size...tail and all) and it was about 4 before we got home. Then, I did do what I should have, and took the darn thing out. Too eye is a beautiful shade of red, and it hurts like the dickens. It hurt worse last night...any light at all hurt, and I had to make an eye patch from a kleenex and tape over it. lol
Today, though...I am smarter. I am wearing my glasses and cleaning my contacts thoroughly, and washing my eyes periodically, and putting in drops. I hope it will be better by Sunday. I'd hate to have to wear my glasses to church....vain thing that I am. lol
original date Thursday April 5, 2007
Tuesday, we were going to go out shopping. I got dressed and started to put in my contacts. The right one was fine, but the left one hurt, like there was something behind it. I took it out and cleaned it, then tried again. Still hurt. So I cleaned it again. Still hurt. So, I did what any smart, reasonable person would have done...I just wore my glasses. NOT! I put it in, anyway, and wore it hurting. We didn't get home until about 5, and I was in dreadful pain, but I still didn't take it out until about 8.
Wednesday I got up early to run out to the laundrymat and post office quickly. I put in my contacts. The right one was fine...the left one...was...painful! I did what any normal, smart, reasonable person would do, I took it out and wore my glasses...I wish. Instead, I did what any vain, stupid person would do...I wore it anyway. It hurt terribly, but I thought I would take it out when I got home. When I DID get home, Mom had called and said she was taking my brother's kids to the park, and did we want to meet them there? Of course we did, so we went down there...and saw a really cute snapping turtle in the creek (teeney tiny, about as big as the bottom of a 1 c. measuring cup, total size...tail and all) and it was about 4 before we got home. Then, I did do what I should have, and took the darn thing out. Too eye is a beautiful shade of red, and it hurts like the dickens. It hurt worse last night...any light at all hurt, and I had to make an eye patch from a kleenex and tape over it. lol
Today, though...I am smarter. I am wearing my glasses and cleaning my contacts thoroughly, and washing my eyes periodically, and putting in drops. I hope it will be better by Sunday. I'd hate to have to wear my glasses to church....vain thing that I am. lol
original date Thursday April 5, 2007
Albino Cockroach! (No Pics)
When I went to feed the cockroaches today, I spotted an albino one in there! I guess it had been blending in with the bedding all this time...although I'm not sure really how, because I know I've changed their bedding at least once. Still, however it happened, there it was. It's been chilly, and it was sitting up on the rocks, probably drawing heat from them. I turned on the lava lamp for them. ; )
original date Thursday April 5, 2007
original date Thursday April 5, 2007
Entry for April 05, 2007

Daddy and Anna.
I still can't find the camera, so I'm having to make do with *old* pics.
My eye isn't hurting like it was. I haven't looked to see if it's still red, but I did take the patch off when the sun went down.
The girls went shopping with Daddy's mother. When they got home they were acting like wild things, and almost knocked out one of Anna's teeth. I (bad mother that I am) told them to get a book and get in bed. Really, it's not as bad as it's 10:30, after all, and they'd be going to bed before long, anyway. ; ) I hate it that I reacted like that, though. I did...well...slam a door while saying it. Darn temper. It is getting better, though. Even Daddy will admit I'm not as tempermental as I used to be. Maybe I'm finally growing up. ; )
I still can't find the camera, so I'm having to make do with *old* pics.
My eye isn't hurting like it was. I haven't looked to see if it's still red, but I did take the patch off when the sun went down.
The girls went shopping with Daddy's mother. When they got home they were acting like wild things, and almost knocked out one of Anna's teeth. I (bad mother that I am) told them to get a book and get in bed. Really, it's not as bad as it's 10:30, after all, and they'd be going to bed before long, anyway. ; ) I hate it that I reacted like that, though. I did...well...slam a door while saying it. Darn temper. It is getting better, though. Even Daddy will admit I'm not as tempermental as I used to be. Maybe I'm finally growing up. ; )
When I woke up at one-thirty this morning, to get off the couch and crawl into bed, Daddy happened to look out the window, and there was about 6 inches of snow! An April flurry isn't too strange around here, but more than an inch is. The girls haven't even got out of bed yet, though. I said "Did you see the snow?" and Anna rolled over, opened one eye, and said, "We looked at it last night." then rolled back over and went back to sleep. When they get up and it's all melted, I'll bet they whine about it. Considering how cold it is, though....I kinda doubt they could have went out in it much. The wind is blowing SO cold, it'll take your breath away.
original date Saturday April 7, 2007
original date Saturday April 7, 2007
Easter Eggs

The girls dyed theirs with food coloring in the good old-fashioned way. ; ) We had a whole dozen, but ate three before we got around to dying them. lol
I have to say, I was disappointed with the colors I ended up with using the natural dyes. I'm not sure WHAT I was expecting....just something different, I guess. lol
I woke up early again this morning...but it's not too bad, because the girls woke up, too, and have already torn into their Easter baskets...I did get pictures first, though. : )
Later, when they've gotten dressed I'll take pictures, and this evening I'll blog about how Easter went. : )
original date Sunday April 8, 2007

My squirrels (lol). Aren't they pretty?
We went to Sunday School...everything went fairly one got hurt, anyway, so I guess it was good. : )
After Church, I came on home with the girls, and my brother stayed with Daddy to ride with him. After about 20 minutes, Joyce called and said, "Was Justus supposed to be riding with you-all? He's still out here." She said Seth & Ron would bring him to me. About 5 minutes after that, Daddy pulled up, and I went out there..."Ummm, did you forget something at church?" "No, I don't think so." "Like maybe your brother-in-law?" He totally forgot him! Luckily, they were kind enough to bring him, and I won't leave him alone with Daddy again. lol
We went up to my in-law's, and MIL took pictures, then we changed and went to my mom's to eat. Mom had fixed a turkey and all the fixins'. : ) She said she was hungry for turkey, so she was fixing it instead of a ham. : ) The kids hid and hunted eggs, and the adults sat around the table and talked. and ate. lol
We went back to Daddy's mom's when we got home, and the girls hunted eggs a couple times up there. It got too cold, though. We didn't stay up there long. I like it better here....all comfy in my housecoat, and warm. : )
The heater made a funny sound like it's almost out of oil, though. Hopefully, it isn't actually out of oil. Sometimes it has a piece of ice in the line. It seems to be working now. (Fingers crossed).
We took pictures of my Sunday School class...I'll post them next.
We went to Sunday School...everything went fairly one got hurt, anyway, so I guess it was good. : )
After Church, I came on home with the girls, and my brother stayed with Daddy to ride with him. After about 20 minutes, Joyce called and said, "Was Justus supposed to be riding with you-all? He's still out here." She said Seth & Ron would bring him to me. About 5 minutes after that, Daddy pulled up, and I went out there..."Ummm, did you forget something at church?" "No, I don't think so." "Like maybe your brother-in-law?" He totally forgot him! Luckily, they were kind enough to bring him, and I won't leave him alone with Daddy again. lol
We went up to my in-law's, and MIL took pictures, then we changed and went to my mom's to eat. Mom had fixed a turkey and all the fixins'. : ) She said she was hungry for turkey, so she was fixing it instead of a ham. : ) The kids hid and hunted eggs, and the adults sat around the table and talked. and ate. lol
We went back to Daddy's mom's when we got home, and the girls hunted eggs a couple times up there. It got too cold, though. We didn't stay up there long. I like it better here....all comfy in my housecoat, and warm. : )
The heater made a funny sound like it's almost out of oil, though. Hopefully, it isn't actually out of oil. Sometimes it has a piece of ice in the line. It seems to be working now. (Fingers crossed).
We took pictures of my Sunday School class...I'll post them next.
original date Sunday April 8, 2007
Entry for April 10, 2007

I went fairy hunting last night. : ) Actually I was reading a blog and she had a link to a site with lots of fairy pictures. Cute, no? : )
Yesterday, Daddy got into a cleaning a result, my living room, the girl's room, and the kitchen are all nice and clean. : ) I checked my e-mail and when I was through, the house was clean. Lovely.... : )
We went to Mom's for Anna's tutoring session. Mom said the little boy she's tutoring failed another math test. Poor little thing...I'm sorry for him. He's 11, in 4th grade, and he just can't seem to get the hang of multiplication. The class has moved on to division, and he can't get it. I told Daddy if it was my kid I'd let him use a multiplication table and not worry about it...but I don't think the teacher's will let them. Another reason to homeschool. : )
Mom was working on him on his homework, so she gave Anna the same kinds of problems. I believe they were working on place value. Anna told me this morning..."Speaking of right hands, Zachery writes with his left hand." I'm not sure she learned anything besides that yesterday. lol
We didn't stay up there long, but the girls did have time to play with Justus and Oren. I thought it was so funny....all day yesterday, until we got up there, they were saying "I want to go up and play with Justus and Oren." The funny thing is, Justus is 14 and Oren is, I believe, 23. When we were up there Sunday, Oren tossed Anna up in the air and caught her, then swang her around by her hands in a circle. He swung Emma, too, but Anna said he grunted, because she's so heavy. lol She does weigh almost as much as me...maybe he could swing me around like that. lol I remember one of my uncles tossing me like that when I was little. Lots of fun. : ) They impressed the little girls yesterday, by having a jumping contest...jumping over chairs and things until they tried (well, Oren did) jumping over a table amd landed on it and broke it. lol Then they went out front and practiced slam dunks, and when I was ready to leave they were throwing footballs to each other. Mom said, "I'm glad they're getting to play together." Talk about socialization. lol
I'm picking the black jelly beans out of Emma's Easter candy. My kids don't like jelly beans. Daddy's mother got them some...I never buy them because no one will eat them except me. (And I certainly don't need them) lol
We'rer supposed to be going out today, but so far no one has went past the kitchen. : )
It's such a stay-at-home day...but there are appointments to keep...
Yesterday, Daddy got into a cleaning a result, my living room, the girl's room, and the kitchen are all nice and clean. : ) I checked my e-mail and when I was through, the house was clean. Lovely.... : )
We went to Mom's for Anna's tutoring session. Mom said the little boy she's tutoring failed another math test. Poor little thing...I'm sorry for him. He's 11, in 4th grade, and he just can't seem to get the hang of multiplication. The class has moved on to division, and he can't get it. I told Daddy if it was my kid I'd let him use a multiplication table and not worry about it...but I don't think the teacher's will let them. Another reason to homeschool. : )
Mom was working on him on his homework, so she gave Anna the same kinds of problems. I believe they were working on place value. Anna told me this morning..."Speaking of right hands, Zachery writes with his left hand." I'm not sure she learned anything besides that yesterday. lol
We didn't stay up there long, but the girls did have time to play with Justus and Oren. I thought it was so funny....all day yesterday, until we got up there, they were saying "I want to go up and play with Justus and Oren." The funny thing is, Justus is 14 and Oren is, I believe, 23. When we were up there Sunday, Oren tossed Anna up in the air and caught her, then swang her around by her hands in a circle. He swung Emma, too, but Anna said he grunted, because she's so heavy. lol She does weigh almost as much as me...maybe he could swing me around like that. lol I remember one of my uncles tossing me like that when I was little. Lots of fun. : ) They impressed the little girls yesterday, by having a jumping contest...jumping over chairs and things until they tried (well, Oren did) jumping over a table amd landed on it and broke it. lol Then they went out front and practiced slam dunks, and when I was ready to leave they were throwing footballs to each other. Mom said, "I'm glad they're getting to play together." Talk about socialization. lol
I'm picking the black jelly beans out of Emma's Easter candy. My kids don't like jelly beans. Daddy's mother got them some...I never buy them because no one will eat them except me. (And I certainly don't need them) lol
We'rer supposed to be going out today, but so far no one has went past the kitchen. : )
It's such a stay-at-home day...but there are appointments to keep...

Entry for April 11, 2007
I just barely finished anything today. I started going through a says "ages: adult", but with a little modification, it is fine for the girls. It's a trivia game, and some of the questions were...well, risque'...(I used to have a keyboard that had the e with the little dash over it like it should be. I don't know what happened to that keyboard.) I only got about half finished with the cards, when I went with Daddy to start supper. He made steaks and baked beans, and I made potato salad and biscuits. After we ate I fell asleep on the couch. : ) It's raining, and sounds so good dripping on the roof. : )
This morning as soon as I got up I started looking books up online in the libraries' catalog. I stayed online until 2:30 looking for books. Gosh, was I stiff when I finally stood up. : ) I LOVE being able to look online for the books I need, instead of having to go to the ilbrary and use their catalog. It always seems so germy. lol I could even have the books put on hold for me from home, then just go pick them up, but I've never done that. I like the thrill of the hunt. lol
original date Wednesday April 11, 2007
This morning as soon as I got up I started looking books up online in the libraries' catalog. I stayed online until 2:30 looking for books. Gosh, was I stiff when I finally stood up. : ) I LOVE being able to look online for the books I need, instead of having to go to the ilbrary and use their catalog. It always seems so germy. lol I could even have the books put on hold for me from home, then just go pick them up, but I've never done that. I like the thrill of the hunt. lol
original date Wednesday April 11, 2007
I've been cleaning again today. It seems like a cleaning bug keeps biting me...maybe if I clean enough I'll kill it!
I washed the ferrett...he's been needing it for a while, but I didn't want to do it while it was cold. I'm afraid he'll catch cold. I cleaned the cats' ears-a little-they don't really like it...can't say I blame them, but the long-haired ones, anyway, get hairs in there and they itch, and need to be gotten out for them. I checked Max's teeth, too...I'm not sure what to do about them. He's got plaque like you wouldn't believe. I think, for it to be cleaned properly, he'd have to be put to sleep. It's dreadful. Next time I'm at the pet store I might look and see if they've got something he can eat, or something I can squirt in...brushing is out of the question. He's...grumpy.
I took a few more things and dropped off at the thrift store this afternoon. Then, we (Emma and I went out) stopped by CVS to see if they had a certain kind of energy bars (they didn't) and I bought a little .35 cent piece of Easter candy (reduced) and got a $5 coupon! I searched and searched for something worthy of my $5 and ended up spending it on fake toenails! I like to wear fake toenails in the summer when I wear I just have to get some nice sandals for this summer. lol
original date Thursday April 12, 2007
I washed the ferrett...he's been needing it for a while, but I didn't want to do it while it was cold. I'm afraid he'll catch cold. I cleaned the cats' ears-a little-they don't really like it...can't say I blame them, but the long-haired ones, anyway, get hairs in there and they itch, and need to be gotten out for them. I checked Max's teeth, too...I'm not sure what to do about them. He's got plaque like you wouldn't believe. I think, for it to be cleaned properly, he'd have to be put to sleep. It's dreadful. Next time I'm at the pet store I might look and see if they've got something he can eat, or something I can squirt in...brushing is out of the question. He's...grumpy.
I took a few more things and dropped off at the thrift store this afternoon. Then, we (Emma and I went out) stopped by CVS to see if they had a certain kind of energy bars (they didn't) and I bought a little .35 cent piece of Easter candy (reduced) and got a $5 coupon! I searched and searched for something worthy of my $5 and ended up spending it on fake toenails! I like to wear fake toenails in the summer when I wear I just have to get some nice sandals for this summer. lol
original date Thursday April 12, 2007
Bizarre Things...
WooEeeOoo WooEeeOoo....
I am not sure about that spelling..."bizarre". That's how Daddy and Emma said to spell it, so I'm trusting them and not looking it's too late tonight. : )
Anyway, the bizarre things...
Last night Daddy and I stayed up late watching a spider movie...really funny huge spiders jumping all over the place...anyway, it was bizarre. About 1:00 in the morning, the phone rang...while we were watching the movie. Daddy answered...I could hear the woman on the other end, though. "Hello." "Come down here and get these cows out of my garden." "Um...excuse me?" "Come down here and get these cows out of my garden, they're eating my flowers. I just planted them flowers last week." "Ummm, who is this?" "(Here she says her name)" "Who are you trying to call?" "(Here she says a man's name we don't recognize)" "Ummm, this is the _______ residence." "Oh, why I'm sorry, I was trying to get a hold of ______ they's cows all in my garden...I'm awful sorry." "Well, that's okay."
I told Daddy he should have told her it was fine if she wanted to give us some cows, but could she keep them in her garden until morning, then we'd come get them. lol It was just totally bizarre...the whole silly spider movie and the phone call in one night.
THEN, we watched "Christmas with the Kranks" Bleah. I liked the man no one knew...Marty, and the old woman...Bev, who had cancer and a cat. The rest of the movie was SO silly. WHY, if they wanted to, would anyone CARE if they wanted to go on a cruise? Maybe it's just the way we are, but we'd be thrilled if everyone we knew stopped celebrating Christmas...with maybe the exception of my Grandmother's dinner. : ) And if someone we knew said they were going on a cruise instead of having Christmas, we'd be happy. (For them, of course)
Daddy's watching another bizarre movie...about rats. I'm bothering him by laughing loudly and he can't hear what's going on. He likes these strange movies. He likes to watch odd things and discuss the camera angles and how certain things are done. He certainly takes the *scary* out of scary movies. Since DVD's have come out, with all their extra' it's done and has really changed how I preceive them. Yes, I am old enough to remember the days before DVD's...when there was only video's...actually, at risk of sounding ancient, I remember the days BEFORE videos...okay, I'm stopping now. I'm dreadfully close to admitting how old I am. : )
Actually, I will admit to onething. Daddy bought a DVD set today, MacGuyver. First season. When we got home he put one in and we were watching it, and I was cracking up, thinking how OLD I thought MacGuyver was when we were watching it as kids. I thought he was at least 50! He looks SO young now! lol Daddy got another DVD set with the same actor, and he REALLY looks old now. ; )
original date Saturday April 14, 2007
I am not sure about that spelling..."bizarre". That's how Daddy and Emma said to spell it, so I'm trusting them and not looking it's too late tonight. : )
Anyway, the bizarre things...
Last night Daddy and I stayed up late watching a spider movie...really funny huge spiders jumping all over the place...anyway, it was bizarre. About 1:00 in the morning, the phone rang...while we were watching the movie. Daddy answered...I could hear the woman on the other end, though. "Hello." "Come down here and get these cows out of my garden." "Um...excuse me?" "Come down here and get these cows out of my garden, they're eating my flowers. I just planted them flowers last week." "Ummm, who is this?" "(Here she says her name)" "Who are you trying to call?" "(Here she says a man's name we don't recognize)" "Ummm, this is the _______ residence." "Oh, why I'm sorry, I was trying to get a hold of ______ they's cows all in my garden...I'm awful sorry." "Well, that's okay."
I told Daddy he should have told her it was fine if she wanted to give us some cows, but could she keep them in her garden until morning, then we'd come get them. lol It was just totally bizarre...the whole silly spider movie and the phone call in one night.
THEN, we watched "Christmas with the Kranks" Bleah. I liked the man no one knew...Marty, and the old woman...Bev, who had cancer and a cat. The rest of the movie was SO silly. WHY, if they wanted to, would anyone CARE if they wanted to go on a cruise? Maybe it's just the way we are, but we'd be thrilled if everyone we knew stopped celebrating Christmas...with maybe the exception of my Grandmother's dinner. : ) And if someone we knew said they were going on a cruise instead of having Christmas, we'd be happy. (For them, of course)
Daddy's watching another bizarre movie...about rats. I'm bothering him by laughing loudly and he can't hear what's going on. He likes these strange movies. He likes to watch odd things and discuss the camera angles and how certain things are done. He certainly takes the *scary* out of scary movies. Since DVD's have come out, with all their extra' it's done and has really changed how I preceive them. Yes, I am old enough to remember the days before DVD's...when there was only video's...actually, at risk of sounding ancient, I remember the days BEFORE videos...okay, I'm stopping now. I'm dreadfully close to admitting how old I am. : )
Actually, I will admit to one
original date Saturday April 14, 2007
Entry for April 14, 2007

I'm supposed to teach her to read, and do a little basic math.
Oh, I'm worried. It's been SO long since I've done anything like that. I've been reading books on...well, reading. ; ) I told Daddy that's a sign of being a book-a-holic when you have books on reading. I have piles of papers, ideas scribbled on scraps of paper, notes in books....I hope I can make sense of what I have.
I have plans to take her to Storytime at the library first...they'll take care of Science and Social Studies. I wish I had taken advantage of it when my kids were's only for up to 5 yr. olds. This month they've got: a picnic, bees, healthy teeth (with a dentist), health (with a medical worker), Police officer, construction, and all about me. So, basically, if all goes as planned, I'll take her to that, then bring her back here for reading and numbers instruction. She's very bright...she'll pick up on it quickly, I'm sure.
I hope it'll go okay.
It won't be until Sept, but I'm trying to get ready. One thing I've never been is a procrastinator. : )
original date Saturday April 14, 2007
Daddy got a wild idea to paint today. So we painted. We painted the living room ceiling and the door frames and window frame in the living room, and the front door.
We've been living here something like 5 years, and hadn't gotten around to it yet. The front door was so icky I had to scrub it with a steel wool pad--2 actually--to get it clean. Suffice it to say, I don't get around to deep cleaning very often.
We painted the door and frames SUCH a pretty color of peachy-pinky creamey paint. Cream with just a *touch* of peachy-pink. I told Daddy if someone was doing a mural it could be used for a skin tone. Beautiful color. It was one of those cansof paint Home Depot has left over, or returned, or something, and they sell it for lots cheaper...we got it for $5. NOW we just have to find some wallpaper to go with it. ; )
It's been such a lovely day...warm with a breeze, but not too cooling a breeze...nice. : )
The girls went up to Daddy's parent's to wash dishes, and haven't come back yet. His brother called and asked it they'd like to wash disnes for $2. Last I heard they were up to three. lol
I've got laundry I've got to get off the line, and my hand hurts from typing so much yesterday...I gotta stop typing. lol I'm just thinking there was something else I was going to say...I wonder what it was?
Original date Tuesday April 17, 2007
We've been living here something like 5 years, and hadn't gotten around to it yet. The front door was so icky I had to scrub it with a steel wool pad--2 actually--to get it clean. Suffice it to say, I don't get around to deep cleaning very often.
We painted the door and frames SUCH a pretty color of peachy-pinky creamey paint. Cream with just a *touch* of peachy-pink. I told Daddy if someone was doing a mural it could be used for a skin tone. Beautiful color. It was one of those cansof paint Home Depot has left over, or returned, or something, and they sell it for lots cheaper...we got it for $5. NOW we just have to find some wallpaper to go with it. ; )
It's been such a lovely day...warm with a breeze, but not too cooling a breeze...nice. : )
The girls went up to Daddy's parent's to wash dishes, and haven't come back yet. His brother called and asked it they'd like to wash disnes for $2. Last I heard they were up to three. lol
I've got laundry I've got to get off the line, and my hand hurts from typing so much yesterday...I gotta stop typing. lol I'm just thinking there was something else I was going to say...I wonder what it was?
Original date Tuesday April 17, 2007
Not Feeling Good
I've felt so bad today I didn't go to church tonight. I think it must be some sort of allergies...I felt so bad I took an allergy pill and then didn't know if I felt better before or after. lol I've taken two naps today, and still feel tired.
I spent most of the day on the couch. I read *a little*. I didn't even feel like writing down the notes I found...I just underlined them and made a note of the page number in the front of the book.
The girls spent most of the time playing outside. Then Anna cried because her tummy hurt and they came inside. Emma got out the crafts things and they've played with those most of the afternoon. Anna made some cute people out of pipe cleaners. I love the way they use their imaginations.
We're eating a bite of supper now. Daddy offered to fix us something before he left for church, but I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat then, so I just said I'd fix something later. I found a pot pie in the freezer for me and chicken tenders for the girls. I should have fixed a vegetable of some sort, but I just can't think right now.
If you only knew how many times I've had to re-type these things.... : )
Original date Wednesday April 18, 2007
I spent most of the day on the couch. I read *a little*. I didn't even feel like writing down the notes I found...I just underlined them and made a note of the page number in the front of the book.
The girls spent most of the time playing outside. Then Anna cried because her tummy hurt and they came inside. Emma got out the crafts things and they've played with those most of the afternoon. Anna made some cute people out of pipe cleaners. I love the way they use their imaginations.
We're eating a bite of supper now. Daddy offered to fix us something before he left for church, but I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat then, so I just said I'd fix something later. I found a pot pie in the freezer for me and chicken tenders for the girls. I should have fixed a vegetable of some sort, but I just can't think right now.
If you only knew how many times I've had to re-type these things.... : )
Original date Wednesday April 18, 2007
Thinking of the Bees

I went with Daddy to get water today and there was SO MUCH dead stuff....branches, leaves, whole trees. I also noticed when I went out to feed the dogs that one of the bushes in the backyard looked dead. It was a nice big one, too. I'm SO hoping things will bush back out. I guess really it's too early to worry. I did see a spice bush starting to bud again. Maybe...hopefully...everything will green back up. Usually everything is all green and nice by now. It is supposed to be back up in the 70's by the end of the week...I am really looking forward to that. : )
Daddy had a doctor's appointment today. After his appointment he stopped by and talked to a friend from church. This friend asked him point blank if he (or we) had been talking about him. He said he had heard from 5 different people at church including one of my relatives that we had been saying things about him. AAARRRGGGH!!!! Just when one thing flattens itself down, another problem rears it's head. I DON'T know what Daddy's been saying to people. He does sometimes say things he shouldn't to people he shouldn't, but as far as I know he hasn't. Anyway, I KNOW I haven't said anything to anyone. I only talk to two people at church and I only talk to them about Sunday School stuff. I don't even talk to 5 people. ARGH! and BLEAH! And that's all I'm going to say about that.
The girls went up to visit Daddy's father a little while today. They stayed with him while we went to the library and to get water. The library has re-arranged itself (lol) and they're discarding books. I got a few, and the librarian said they're going to be getting rid of more and we should check back. Oh Boy! : ) They also had some new books they'd just bought (especially because Emma requested them) and they let her (or me for her) check them out first. They're just the best.
Daddy and the girls are getting ready to go to a softball game. All 3 of my brother's kids play softball. I think I'll just lounge around here. : ) I'd much rather be home. ; )

They're good girls, I think...I've always thought so, but now I'm worried that they've been lying about things all along and I just haven't known. Worries me.
I gotta go, though. I've got a pile of blankets to wash that we used to cover the furniture and they got that white lumpy ceiling stuff all over them.
Original date Saturday April 21, 2007
Working for the Common Good

I've been setting up accounts on myspace and another *friends* type site for my little brother. Cute, isn't he? He knows NOTHING about computers...I'm advanced compared to I'm setting things up for him. I don't know how to put on the fancy backgrounds and things, though. I'm going to have to go back in and scoot around and see what I can find by messing about. He was like, can you put a picture on like **** has in the background? "Well..." lol
That's another funny thing about him...if he's reading with me on the computer, he'll ask "What does that mean?" about all the...oh, what are they called?...the lol's and btw's and even luv. He's probably the LEAST computer literate kid in America today. lol
On a different note, and not about him...I went to the library today and bought discarded reference books. 16 wonderful reference books for $4! I got a HUGE world atlas for .50. It has lain on a desk waiting for someone to need to know the countries in Africa for years, now it's home with me to live. ; ) It's probably dreadfully outdated, but still I love it. And .50!! I'm a sucker for a good buy. lol
I got several art books, with prints in a pocket in the front...nice, too. Rand McNally Encyclopedia of World Rivers...Webster's American Biographies...World Class Thin Books or What to Read When Your Book Report is Due Tomorrow...and several other's which are turned and I can't see what they say. lol
That's another funny thing about him...if he's reading with me on the computer, he'll ask "What does that mean?" about all the...oh, what are they called?...the lol's and btw's and even luv. He's probably the LEAST computer literate kid in America today. lol
On a different note, and not about him...I went to the library today and bought discarded reference books. 16 wonderful reference books for $4! I got a HUGE world atlas for .50. It has lain on a desk waiting for someone to need to know the countries in Africa for years, now it's home with me to live. ; ) It's probably dreadfully outdated, but still I love it. And .50!! I'm a sucker for a good buy. lol
I got several art books, with prints in a pocket in the front...nice, too. Rand McNally Encyclopedia of World Rivers...Webster's American Biographies...World Class Thin Books or What to Read When Your Book Report is Due Tomorrow...and several other's which are turned and I can't see what they say. lol
Original date Sunday April 22, 2007
I am SO Stiff This Morning!
I worked so hard yesterday, I'm stiff now! Maybe I'll take a l--o--n--g bath later and see if I loosen up any. : )
I picked up junk in the backyard...I started at the fence and worked my way toward the house, and like I told Daddy, if it wasn't attached to something, it was leaving. ; ) I got rid of an old dog house, birdbath stands, trellisses....all kinds of stuff that's just been sitting around molding. : )
I also got the back deck in order...cleaned the grill, scrubbed the chairs...I still need to paint the table, but it can wait until I find some paint. : ) Daddy hauled off several loads of stuff, and when we were all finished we celebrated by going out to eat. : ) It was so nice not to have to cook after all that.
Well, I guess I shouldn't say *all finished*. Daddy still has a load or two to take.
But my part is finished. : )
We watched "Night at (or is it in?) the Museum last night. It's a pretty good movie. I asked Daddy if he supposed we could put it down as a field trip to a natural history museum. lol The girls have enjoyed it...they're watching it for the third time right now.
Original Date Wednesday April 25, 2007
I picked up junk in the backyard...I started at the fence and worked my way toward the house, and like I told Daddy, if it wasn't attached to something, it was leaving. ; ) I got rid of an old dog house, birdbath stands, trellisses....all kinds of stuff that's just been sitting around molding. : )
I also got the back deck in order...cleaned the grill, scrubbed the chairs...I still need to paint the table, but it can wait until I find some paint. : ) Daddy hauled off several loads of stuff, and when we were all finished we celebrated by going out to eat. : ) It was so nice not to have to cook after all that.
Well, I guess I shouldn't say *all finished*. Daddy still has a load or two to take.
But my part is finished. : )
We watched "Night at (or is it in?) the Museum last night. It's a pretty good movie. I asked Daddy if he supposed we could put it down as a field trip to a natural history museum. lol The girls have enjoyed it...they're watching it for the third time right now.
Original Date Wednesday April 25, 2007
Looking for..

Daddy did the most romantic thing today. He rented a movie for us to watch, then sat on the couch with me while we watched it, and massaged my feet. If that's not love, I don't know what is! lol
Really, though, I LOVE this man! We have our times, of course...everyone does....but for the most part, and especially lately, it's been great. (Probably means one of us is about to die lol)
This picture was taken not long after we started dating...judging from the fact that he's in my sister's trailer she didn't live in long, and he's wearing a long-sleeved shirt, I guess it's sometime in the first month or two after we started dating. (We met in August, but I was seeing 4 other guys at that time, and 5 was just too many. ; ) We started dating *exclusively* in December, and got married the next March)
It's getting odd, though...we've started THINKING the same things. It's freaky. Something will happen, or we'll see something or someone, and we look at each other and crack up...and we're thinking the same exact thing. It's like we're reading each other's minds...and for reading Daddy's mind...that is WIERD.
Original date Friday April 27, 2007
What Would You Do Instead?!?

"I don't feel like they're doing enough...I think they're bored."
"How on earth can you say that? They play with their toys, play outside, watch tv, read, draw, make crafts, cook....they do anything they want! Isn't that every kid's dream just do what they want to?"
"Well, I think they're bored."
"Okay, what do you think we should do different? What would you have done as a child if you could have done anything?"
"I might have gone somewhere."
If I didn't know him as well as I do, I might take him seriously and make plans to go a few places just to pacify him, but since I DO know him so well, I'll let it blow over, and he'll be fine. : ) The truth is, we DO go a lot of places...he's always going on about how nice it is to stay home for a change. ; ) I hate it when he gets like that, though. He nearly always makes me there something else we could be doing? He did mention going back to a cave we went to...gosh, I guess the girls were about 4 & 6 then. It is time to go there again, I guess. Other than that, this week I WILL go to that park I haven't got to yet ; ) and I will have some shopping that needs to be done one day....and he has to get a sticker on the van....he'll be ready to stay home by the end of the week. : )
Original date Sunday April 29, 2007
Wildfires, Socialization, and Homeschooled

Have you heard about the fire in GA? One of my cousins lives close...I find it interesting...I can visualize where the fire is when I read about it article was talking about a certain place where the road is beside train tracks...I KNOW that place. I wonder if it's not a natural thing, though...the burning...I'll try and see if I can get my thoughts to come out in a reasonable, understandable way... IF there were no people there...just the woods and swamp, a fire coming through would clear out things, and make room for fresh things...cycling, if you will. It reminds me of in in the "Little House" books where the fire comes and soemone (Ma, maybe?) wonders if the Indians were trying to burn them out, and someone (Pa, maybe?) says something about they burn off the old grass every year to make it all fresh for new grass. (Very rough paraphrase lol) The world keeps going on like it has been for thousands of years, there are just so many people getting in the way now. The same way with hurricanes. I was reading a magazine today which had a picture of houses out in the ocean on a little spit of land...WHAT are they thinking?!? Hurricanes WILL come...makes a lot more sense to me to stay out of their way.
On to the next topic...socialization. My kids are out socializing. ; ) Contrary to what people who have never actually SEEN a homeschooler think, my children do not sit at home all the time and look longingly out the window at the other children walking to school and wish they could go too, but they are kept locked up with their books, because they WILL BE SMARTER...and I have to say it....than the average bear.
Okay...little rant there...nothing to worry about....breathing normally again....; ) I start to get on my soapbox, then along comes a thought like that and just makes me laugh and I can't do it. : )
Back to my original topic. My kids are at my mom's. She brought my brother's kids to church today, then we all went to *Dino Day* at the library, then took all 5 of them home with her. God bless her...she's a glutton for punishment, I guess. : ) Daddy went up to get the girls, but they said she had just started making them scrambled eggs, so they COULDN'T leave. lol They like to get with their cousins, though. We don't see nearly enough of them in the spring, since they all play softball. I'm glad they're getting to spend some time together.
And my last topic...Homeschooled. I was slinking about online, and lurking on a message board and someone mentioned this song...I thought it was funny, in a kind of tongue-in-cheek sort of way. It made me smile, anyway...
On to the next topic...socialization. My kids are out socializing. ; ) Contrary to what people who have never actually SEEN a homeschooler think, my children do not sit at home all the time and look longingly out the window at the other children walking to school and wish they could go too, but they are kept locked up with their books, because they WILL BE SMARTER...and I have to say it....than the average bear.
Okay...little rant there...nothing to worry about....breathing normally again....; ) I start to get on my soapbox, then along comes a thought like that and just makes me laugh and I can't do it. : )
Back to my original topic. My kids are at my mom's. She brought my brother's kids to church today, then we all went to *Dino Day* at the library, then took all 5 of them home with her. God bless her...she's a glutton for punishment, I guess. : ) Daddy went up to get the girls, but they said she had just started making them scrambled eggs, so they COULDN'T leave. lol They like to get with their cousins, though. We don't see nearly enough of them in the spring, since they all play softball. I'm glad they're getting to spend some time together.
And my last topic...Homeschooled. I was slinking about online, and lurking on a message board and someone mentioned this song...I thought it was funny, in a kind of tongue-in-cheek sort of way. It made me smile, anyway...
original date Sunday April 29, 2007
Entry for May 01, 2007
We went to the grocery store today, picked up some things for sandwiches, then went to a local park and took a nice long hike. We hiked WAY--WWWAAAYYY-- down a hill to the creek at the bottom.
I kept wishing we had thought to take the camera and wildflower identification guide. We saw SO MANY nice flowers. They are at the far end of peak performance...some were looking dreadfully wilty...but still beautiful. We even saw 2 jack-in-the-pulpits, and 2 trillium.
We scouted out the letterbox down at the bottom...we didn't take our letterboxing things, but just looked at the log. It was 2005 when we first found it and stamped it! I didn't realize it had been so long. I believe it was May 28, so almost right at 2 years. Amazing. It did rev up our interest in Letterboxing and Geo-caching, so I'll probably go back to the sites and see if there have been any new ones planted nearby.
My feet were SO sore when we got back up to the top. Daddy *had* to go to the library, too, so I just have gotten to sit down...we came up at 5:30, and it's now 7...AAARRRGGGHH!! I am SO not used to wearing shoes! I lurk about in as little as possible around here, and just wear sandals when I go out, but I thought "normal" shoes would be best for going down a hill. ; )
It's good to be home and out of shoes again. : )
I kept wishing we had thought to take the camera and wildflower identification guide. We saw SO MANY nice flowers. They are at the far end of peak performance...some were looking dreadfully wilty...but still beautiful. We even saw 2 jack-in-the-pulpits, and 2 trillium.
We scouted out the letterbox down at the bottom...we didn't take our letterboxing things, but just looked at the log. It was 2005 when we first found it and stamped it! I didn't realize it had been so long. I believe it was May 28, so almost right at 2 years. Amazing. It did rev up our interest in Letterboxing and Geo-caching, so I'll probably go back to the sites and see if there have been any new ones planted nearby.
My feet were SO sore when we got back up to the top. Daddy *had* to go to the library, too, so I just have gotten to sit down...we came up at 5:30, and it's now 7...AAARRRGGGHH!! I am SO not used to wearing shoes! I lurk about in as little as possible around here, and just wear sandals when I go out, but I thought "normal" shoes would be best for going down a hill. ; )
It's good to be home and out of shoes again. : )
My Little Garden
Original date Wednesday May 2, 2007
I worked outside in my little garden today, weeding and thinning my radishes. It seemed a shame to throw the little radish tops away, so I looked them up online, and found out that they can be eaten in a salad or cooked...even stir-fry!
This picture does not do it pretty it looked today. It was nice and warm...not too hot...just the perfect day for weeding. There actually were very few weeds. I pulled *maybe* 20...very weed-free...wonder how I managed that? lol

This picture does not do it pretty it looked today. It was nice and warm...not too hot...just the perfect day for weeding. There actually were very few weeds. I pulled *maybe* 20...very weed-free...wonder how I managed that? lol

I was going to blog about...I wonder what it was? lol
This morning I was thinking "I have to blog about that today." Now I have no idea what it was.
So, since I can't remember, I'll just re-cap my I won't forget that!
We got up...well, I got up fairly early for me...Daddy and Emma were already up and watching a video when I got up. I checked my e-mail, then did a few things and got ready to go out...and Daddy went back to sleep! He does that all the time...if we have something to do on a certain day, he'll get up REALLY early and get ready to go, then fall asleep by the time we're supposed to be leaving.
We had to go by the grocery store and get a few things we need, and also things for the cookout we had planned for this evening. We managed to get in and out of the grocery stores in short order, everything smooth, except the prices on the pet food! Cat food has gone up from $7 to $8.50 a bag, and dog food has gone up about .50, and rabbit food has gone up about .50. It worries me. I can't NOT feed the animals...I may try looking for something cheaper, but the cats are SO picky, I don't know that they'd eat something else...what to do, what to do... ; )
Daddy suggested feeding them tuna mixed with bread (!), but I asked him how many cans of tuna he was thinking we would give them a day, he said "2, and a loaf of bread" and I was like, "okay $1.50 for a loaf of bread, and .50 each for tuna...we'd spend more in a week than we spend for the bag of food!"
This evening we went to mom's for a cookout. We celebrate my brother's b-day every year...the first year after he died we planned a cookout *accidentally* on his b-day, then when we realized what day it would be...something like "How about Thursday?", then realized Thursday was the third later that night...anyway, mom thought it was a good idea to remember his birthday with a cookout, so we've had one every year since.
I fixed a potato salad, banana pudding, and took popsicles. Daddy manned the grill, and we had burnt sacrifice-style food...he says it wasn't HIS fault....I think he could have moved them before they were charred.
All in all--even with the kids fighting like cats and dogs--it was a good cookout.
In the picture above you can see my dear brother in the right-hand corner, strolling about the park. ; )
Happy Birthday!
This morning I was thinking "I have to blog about that today." Now I have no idea what it was.
So, since I can't remember, I'll just re-cap my I won't forget that!
We got up...well, I got up fairly early for me...Daddy and Emma were already up and watching a video when I got up. I checked my e-mail, then did a few things and got ready to go out...and Daddy went back to sleep! He does that all the time...if we have something to do on a certain day, he'll get up REALLY early and get ready to go, then fall asleep by the time we're supposed to be leaving.
We had to go by the grocery store and get a few things we need, and also things for the cookout we had planned for this evening. We managed to get in and out of the grocery stores in short order, everything smooth, except the prices on the pet food! Cat food has gone up from $7 to $8.50 a bag, and dog food has gone up about .50, and rabbit food has gone up about .50. It worries me. I can't NOT feed the animals...I may try looking for something cheaper, but the cats are SO picky, I don't know that they'd eat something else...what to do, what to do... ; )
Daddy suggested feeding them tuna mixed with bread (!), but I asked him how many cans of tuna he was thinking we would give them a day, he said "2, and a loaf of bread" and I was like, "okay $1.50 for a loaf of bread, and .50 each for tuna...we'd spend more in a week than we spend for the bag of food!"
This evening we went to mom's for a cookout. We celebrate my brother's b-day every year...the first year after he died we planned a cookout *accidentally* on his b-day, then when we realized what day it would be...something like "How about Thursday?", then realized Thursday was the third later that night...anyway, mom thought it was a good idea to remember his birthday with a cookout, so we've had one every year since.
I fixed a potato salad, banana pudding, and took popsicles. Daddy manned the grill, and we had burnt sacrifice-style food...he says it wasn't HIS fault....I think he could have moved them before they were charred.
All in all--even with the kids fighting like cats and dogs--it was a good cookout.
In the picture above you can see my dear brother in the right-hand corner, strolling about the park. ; )
Happy Birthday!
My Baby
Flower Gardening Today...
Original date Tuesday May 8, 2007
And if only I had taken a picture...I'll wait until it fills in better and take a picture then. The girls went to the nursery with Daddy's Mother Sunday, and bought me beautiful flowers for Mother's Day. Daddy built me a new box to put them in, and I got them planted today.
Daddy's gone to the theater. To see Spiderman 3. With a 14yr old, and a 10 yr. old. I hope he has fun. ; ) And more than that, I hope he keeps an eye on them. He took Justus out to the gym to play basketball and left him there and he never came home, so we went back out there at 10:30 last night, and picked him up. He *said* he had called and talked to Brianna and told her to tell mom he needed a ride...we didn't hear the phone. I told Daddy to just blame me...I was supposed to be watching him while Mom took Bri to a ball game, and I should have went with him and stayed until he was ready to go. I'll know better next time.
Ewww, another thing I just thought of...I was mowing the yard and ran over a toad. I feel so bad about it. I've tried for years to get toads in my yard...good insect control...and now I'm killing them. poor thing.
On the plus side...we got to see a baby robin learning to fly! He sat in a bush on a teeeny limb and just yelled and yelled for his mom. It was SO cute.
And if only I had taken a picture...I'll wait until it fills in better and take a picture then. The girls went to the nursery with Daddy's Mother Sunday, and bought me beautiful flowers for Mother's Day. Daddy built me a new box to put them in, and I got them planted today.
Daddy's gone to the theater. To see Spiderman 3. With a 14yr old, and a 10 yr. old. I hope he has fun. ; ) And more than that, I hope he keeps an eye on them. He took Justus out to the gym to play basketball and left him there and he never came home, so we went back out there at 10:30 last night, and picked him up. He *said* he had called and talked to Brianna and told her to tell mom he needed a ride...we didn't hear the phone. I told Daddy to just blame me...I was supposed to be watching him while Mom took Bri to a ball game, and I should have went with him and stayed until he was ready to go. I'll know better next time.
Ewww, another thing I just thought of...I was mowing the yard and ran over a toad. I feel so bad about it. I've tried for years to get toads in my yard...good insect control...and now I'm killing them. poor thing.
On the plus side...we got to see a baby robin learning to fly! He sat in a bush on a teeeny limb and just yelled and yelled for his mom. It was SO cute.
Oh if I thought the toad one was bad...
This is even worse.
I went outside when it cooled off to finish up the mowing. I got it all finished, then decided to rake, since the grass was so high before we mowed. I was raking on a little rise in the backyard...and a bird's nest came out. I picked it up and asked Anna...she was playing in the backyard..."Did you and Emma lay a bird's nest back here?" (I thought they might have found an old one and carried it back there) But, she said they hadn't...then I saw three little eggs which had fallen out.
OOOHHH, I feel SO bad about it. I wasn't sure how it was in there, so I tried to put it back as it seemed best....kind of tilted so it would't rain into it...and draped a couple long strands of grass I missed over it. I SO hope the little bird comes back to it. I'd hate to think I had killed three baby birds along with my toad today.
On a funnier note...I found a sock as I was mowing and picked it up and threw it to Anna, and a slug flew off it and landed on her head. She got SOOOO mad. I couldn't help it, though, I laughed. I'm just lucky she didn't throw it back at me.
I went outside when it cooled off to finish up the mowing. I got it all finished, then decided to rake, since the grass was so high before we mowed. I was raking on a little rise in the backyard...and a bird's nest came out. I picked it up and asked Anna...she was playing in the backyard..."Did you and Emma lay a bird's nest back here?" (I thought they might have found an old one and carried it back there) But, she said they hadn't...then I saw three little eggs which had fallen out.
OOOHHH, I feel SO bad about it. I wasn't sure how it was in there, so I tried to put it back as it seemed best....kind of tilted so it would't rain into it...and draped a couple long strands of grass I missed over it. I SO hope the little bird comes back to it. I'd hate to think I had killed three baby birds along with my toad today.
On a funnier note...I found a sock as I was mowing and picked it up and threw it to Anna, and a slug flew off it and landed on her head. She got SOOOO mad. I couldn't help it, though, I laughed. I'm just lucky she didn't throw it back at me.
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